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If you manage to change inside, external changes are inevitable. Become your own best friend and helper, not a taskmaster and boss. Change yourself through joy. Soon you will find interesting and exciting discoveries that were hindered by your methods of limitation. As these limitations are dropped one by one, you will become happier, brighter, more relaxed and more peaceful. We can find freedom and happiness right now. There is no need to wait for them to come to us in the distant future if we work hard to earn them or miraculously prepare for them. We have a reason to be happy and enjoy life right now! Harmony and absolute happiness are natural states for everyone, but a typical weekday for most people goes differently. We wake up, crawl out of bed, and before we even get to the bathroom, we start worrying or planning what will happen during the day. We are already using up what little energy we managed to accumulate during sleep - if we managed to do so at all. Then most go to work; public transport, crowds of people and time lost in traffic jams contribute to additional stress. But when we finally arrive at work, we realize that it doesn’t make us happy, and the upcoming tasks only make us sad. All day long we endlessly look at the clock, eagerly awaiting our lunch break or the end of the work day. We communicate with colleagues - sometimes to mutual joy, sometimes not. And since we are sure that we cannot influence what is happening or our attitude towards it, we push our emotions deeper and continue to rush forward at full speed. At the end of the day, we collapse from fatigue due to the constant blocking of our own feelings. Maybe we wander to the nearest bar to hang out with friends, eat, drink, and watch the news—which only adds to our stress—in hopes of numbing our feelings. Sometimes after this our mood improves, but the feelings do not disappear anywhere, they go even deeper inside. We're like steamers with the safety valve closed, and it takes a huge amount of energy to keep the lid from blowing off. When we finally return home to a husband, wife and children who are eager to talk about the day with us, we don’t even have the energy to listen to them. We put on a mask of amusement and then lose our temper over some little thing. The whole family occupies the space next to the TV until it’s time to go to bed. And the next morning everything repeats according to the same scenario. It looks bleak, doesn’t it? And painfully familiar? Your script may differ in some details; Let's hope he's more cheerful and cheerful than the picture he painted. Maybe you are staying at home with small children. Perhaps you are not employed and resolve most of your issues over the phone or via the Internet. Maybe you are an artist. And yet, the trend is most likely similar. The narrow rut along which we move joylessly becomes deeper and deeper over time, and, in the end, we realize that we cannot get out of it. But this is not so. There is a way out. Have you ever noticed how people hold their breath when they are upset? During the breathing process, complete inhalation and exhalation of air is prevented by unresolved problems and the memory of them. Many people maintain constant tension in their muscles, which does not allow them to completely relax. Unresolved or suppressed emotions are the cause of various ailments. But why do we reach a dead end? When we suppress emotions, instead of fully experiencing all the feelings as they arise, they accumulate and cause discomfort. By avoiding emotions, we do not allow them to pass through us, and this is not good. Many people lose the natural ability to free themselves from emotions over time, although in childhood we do this automatically, unconsciously, but the older we get, the more persistently parents, teachers, friends and society wean us from her. And we.