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From the author: What do contests on websites and blogs work for? How to hold a commentary contest on the B17 website or on a blog. Take part in the contest, subscribe to new Publications of the author so as not to miss a new contest: Why are competitions needed on a blog or in articles? A competition is a competition that attracts increased attention to a resource or article from people who love to compete, interact and win? Who usually wins competitions? And those who participate in them - for the sake of a prize or bonus .And those who observe (trying it out or just as an onlooker). And those who organize competitions - getting the result for which it was all intended. You have never organized competitions on your blog - then we are coming to you! The main idea of ​​any competition is to create a buzz and movement, awaken the activity of the Inner Child of each reader, and entertain. There are additional bonuses - articles with competitions on B17 almost always attract new readers, increase the activity of the “old people” and improve the behavioral factors of the resource on which such competition is posted publication or a competition is held. How commentator competitions work on a blog Recently, in honor of the anniversary of my Blog, I organized a commentator competition for February. To do this, I installed a special plugin that displays the Honor Board in the sidebar and established worthy prizes (a mix of cash and discounts) for the TOP 3 winning commentators. During the feral, the activity of commentators (new visitors and regulars) increased significantly. Surprisingly, the quality of the comments themselves has also improved. By organizing commentator competitions on the B17 website, you can achieve similar results - increase the number of comments on your Publications, increase your subscriber base and stand out among competing authors who write on the same topics as you. In March 2016, I organized I already have a new commentator competition on my blog and I’m waiting for new results (if you go to my blog, you will see that new participants have appeared on the Commentator Honor Board) and new blog visitors. Results of the commentator competition for my article on the B17 website Literally 2 days ago I wrote an article on B17 “How a psychologist can sell himself without selling himself” - the material turned out to be resonant and immediately gained popularity. Here the title worked well. And with living examples. And even with a commentator competition. Everything came together, as they say. The winner of the competition, Kirill Budkevich (Salesman of dreams at a reasonable price), fulfilled 2 conditions of the competition at once: he proposed an original and easily implementable idea, and his idea received the largest number of “Thanks” in the comments. For which I congratulate him! (join in the comments!) and I invite you to take part in a new competition, but this time it will be “Test for Intuition.” Workshop-competition “Test for Intuition” Those who closely follow my publications remember another of my articles for psychologists “ Sales Psychology: The Law of Compromise", which describes the principle of price forking when promoting similar services or goods. I suggest using your knowledge gained from reading the article to take part in a workshop-competition and test your intuition. Look at the screenshot with price compromise (picture below ) Try to determine the correct price range for this offer. Mark your answer result by participating in the survey. In the comments to the article, try to determine which of the results (the number will be indicated in brackets in the survey) was asked by the author of the article and whether he gets the most votes. Receive as a prize for participation! e-book “The Moment of Truth. Why are we wrong when everything is at stake and what to do about it?”, presented in the competition article on my blog (link in the text of this article above) Competition comments are accepted within 24 hours after the publication of this article. The prize will be received by all commentators who fulfill the conditions. And the commentator who guesses the option conceived by the author first will also receive the e-book by Robert Cialdini “The Psychology of Persuasion” Which price bracket will be optimal: 1000/2500/4500(2) 1000/2500/6000(3) 2000/2500/3500(4) 500/2500/3500