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You look at another and discover that your body and brain, independently of you, copy his internal states and programs. All that remains is to choose and hold what you need - holding (to own, to hold). Holding of states is a new culture, the ability to solve one’s problems using one’s own internal experience hidden in the unconscious and the unconscious internal experience of others, chosen by us as models. Is it so simple to carry out holding the states of selected effective samples? In Italy and Germany, rehabilitation programs for restoring movement after serious injuries include demonstration of video samples of movement execution and this gives good results. Mirrors in the body and brain are triggered and trigger motor restoration processes. Mirror neurons are turned on. Their huge network covers the entire brain and controls all body functions. What's new here? All animals have such mirrors in their bodies and brains. And this has been going on for millions of years. We always unconsciously internally copy the states of those with whom we come into contact. These are dozens, even hundreds of others, unconsciously transmitting their states to us. Someone is more lucky, and he met the best examples and copied their success, their effective internal programs and states. Some people are less lucky. Now, in the new communications network that has covered the entire world via the Internet, everyone has free access to the best samples. These programs and states of many millions of somewhat successful people have become a new common resource available to everyone. You can freely choose and copy the samples you need, copy any internal programs and states that others have formed. Copying by mirrors in the body and brain occurs constantly and naturally . We are dealing with many streams of states that concern and excite us. Each person creates such a flow around himself, and we feel it with the mirror system of the brain and with the whole body, we feel how the states of this flow are played out in us in contacts. These flows of their internal programs and states created by people can be weak and strong, pleasant and not very pleasant. Internal programs and states are reflected in us, but are not very fixed. I think this is for the best. Try turning on your favorite videos from the Internet and feel how their internal states and programs are transmitted to you and reflected in your body. In this ocean of communications and available programs and states, we need to distinguish and choose only what we really need and carry it out for yourself - holding. Today we are very bad at doing this. The mirror system is unusual vision - vision with the whole body. How to train the mirror system and carry out holding? This can be done at any time and anywhere - 24x7. You need to look at people and distinguish their states, feel how their states are transmitted to you, and yours are transmitted to them. This can be done on the street, in transport, in classrooms, comparing how different people feel and identifying their special shades. You can identify resonating states of tone of individual muscle groups and individual organs, gait, breathing. You will quickly learn to feel that some states and internal programs of others are necessary and useful for you and can be included in your own flow of states. And some conditions and internal programs are unpleasant and dangerous for you and your body, they carry illness and need to be blocked, avoiding further mirror contacts. You must not only receive programs and states from others, but also be able to give your flow of states to others - be able to create a flow. It is with this flow of our invisible states that others unconsciously perceive us, build relationships with us, are attracted or repelled. Let's mentally invite the effective people we have chosen. Let's feel the inner presence of their images and images of their states in us, let's turn on their holding. We now have these efficient patterns in our state stream that run the corresponding programs for the systems