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From the author: A simple and powerful technique for liberation from emotional dependence. It will help you break ties with exes and deal with resentment. It removes the wedge with which the light converged. So, you realized that you are dependent on the opinions, behavior or words of another person. If you are offended by a person, this is also, in fact, an addiction. After all, what is resentment? Resentment is when someone... it didn't do what you expected. And you were offended. This is some kind of complaint to the world or to a person. It doesn't meet our expectations. That is, we depend on the opinion of some person, on what he said or did not say. What you did or didn’t do, how you looked or didn’t look... In all these cases, we are not free. What to do? Break the energy connection. Sit down, close your eyes and imagine this person in front of you as vividly as possible. Say out loud that you are from him expected. Tell him that you want to break up because your important expectations (to be loved, to be understood...) have not come true. Tell him that you are taking away your expectations and aspirations. Take away everything that you hung on him like a Christmas tree. Take it off yourself his expectations and return it to him. - I take back what is mine. And I leave you yours. Imagine your connection with a person. Usually it is some kind of chain, thread, rope or beam. Something that connects you and comes from the place where you feel this addiction or resentment in your body. This could be the lower abdomen, upper abdomen or chest - the area of ​​the heart, less often at the level of the head. Now mentally cut this connection by swinging your hand with the edge of your palm. Have you seen how karatekas break bricks? Wow. You can repeat as many times as needed. Done. The universe does not tolerate emptiness and a holy place is never empty... Therefore, let's create an image of a more perfect ourselves and feed our severed end of a thread or ray to this image. Image: an improved, updated version of you. Upgrade)) So, in front of you, in front and slightly to the right, is an image of you, only more perfect. An image of you from the near future. How to create it? Very simple. By asking yourself simple questions. What did you lack in your relationship with that person? Attention? Respect? Care? Love? An apology? Joy? In your image - an upgrade - you have it all in abundance. You are calm, confident. You feel your dignity, you are glad and happy. This is an image of yourself filled with what you were missing in that relationship. Everything that you wanted to receive from another person is in your image. You attach the cut ray or your thread to this image of yourself, calm and satisfied. Your connection is now with yourself from the future. Where you already have everything you want. This connection is also wonderful because you can communicate with your future self. You may ask what he did, what steps to get there? You may be surprised, but you will definitely get an answer. You are already growing and developing, moving towards a better version of yourself. And don’t even think about comparing yourself to someone else! There will always be someone who is better, taller, faster and stronger... It makes sense to compare yourself only with yourself yesterday. Today I’m coping a little better than yesterday, today I’m a little stronger and faster than yesterday... You unfastened yourself, untied yourself from the person on whom your light converged like a wedge and attached yourself to your improved self. To someone who can give you everything you want. This is you! Instead of addiction, you have found a lighthouse. Your beacon to the future you want for yourself. You have direction. You can now calmly treat any person. Without expecting anything from anyone or the world. After all, no one owes us anything! Therefore, go and take it yourself. The person who was sitting opposite you should not be left with a stub of thread either. Imagine him satisfied and happy. An improved version of it. Feed its thread onto this image. Now it’s time for gratitude. This is a very important stage. Thank the person for walking part of the journey with you. For the good things you had. For the lessons and for the experience. Thank yourself. If you broke up, but are carrying a backpack with!