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From the author: The article was published on the website I have a friend named Elena. She is an educated, interesting, beautiful woman. But she has one problem - she has no luck with men. Everyone leaves her, or she fails to establish any relationships at all. And so, in the status of “abandoned” or “loner,” with dull eyes and hopelessness in her soul, one day Lena calls me and simply screams in despair into the phone: “I can’t do this anymore! What am I doing wrong? Julia, help me figure it out!” Today, many women have the same problem as Lena. It’s good if a woman tries to figure it out and somehow solve it. But if you don’t solve the problem, but leave everything to chance, then you will be left with nothing. You will fuss, strain, act somehow, but still you will not move from the dead point. And while your friends and acquaintances get married one after another, and build happy family relationships, enjoy the care and attention of their beloved man, you will stand on the sidelines, shed tears, feel sorry for yourself, complain about an unfair life and continue to bear the stigma of being abandoned and useless to anyone. the right woman. But what to do? I want to tell you good news - there is a way out! The fact is that in relationships with men, most women make the same mistakes, as a result of which the relationship is destroyed, and in some cases it does not even have time to begin. What are these mistakes that need to be avoided?1. Uncompromising conviction that one is right. Men are different from us by nature. Don’t think that a man will look at everything that happens through your eyes. After all, he has his own opinion. All people are different, especially men and women. Therefore, there is no need to reproach a man for doing something differently than you do. 2. The conviction that a man is stupider than a woman. By thinking this way, you humiliate a man. If you assume that a man is incapable of independent action, he will be so. Your man may be tired of feeling inferior. He will begin to love you less and this in turn can destroy your union. Therefore, treat a man as a competent person who you can rely on, respect him, and ask for advice more often. 3. Lack of faith. If a woman does not believe that her man will achieve something, then she is not helping him achieve this goal. The man does not feel supported and thus begins to have little faith in himself. And hence the unreasonable irritation with a woman, outbursts of anger, quarrels, reproaches. 4. Control over his money. If you take your husband’s salary and limit his money, then you humiliate your man, make him insecure and weak. Time will pass, and soon you will realize that you do not need such a man, because you will not feel true strength, confidence, protection and support from him. 5. Too much responsibility. When you put too much on your shoulders, you will only end up making it worse for yourself. “If you are so smart, strong and can do everything yourself, then why do you need me?” - the man will think and simply leave you, or take a passive position, and all your life you will do everything alone, thereby only destroying your relationship. 6. Addressing a man with hints. Remember, men don’t understand hints! Moreover, they have no idea what you are thinking about. A man is rational by nature. He takes everything literally and directly. So learn to tell your man what you think rather than force him to play a guessing game. 7. Wearing old things at home Remember that a man is a visual person, and he is naturally attracted to beautiful, well-groomed women. Therefore, instead of wearing things from the “home inventory” at home, a woman should pay special attention to her wardrobe. 8. Do not take money from a man. This is why men earn money so that they can spend it on the women they love. At the same time, it is important for a woman not.