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Dreams have always aroused great interest both among the common man and among scientists. For many millennia, humanity has been trying to unravel the mystery of dreams. A breakthrough in this direction was made by Sigmund Freud, who put forward the theory of the unconscious and through it tried to explain how exactly dreams arise in our heads. Let us try to understand at least a little bit the nature of this phenomenon. From the point of view of modern psychology, dreams are a reflection of the actual unconscious process in a metaphorical form. Dreams can be divided into several groups in terms of their interpretation: 1. Sleep is liberation. Moments of the past arise in consciousness, with which our consciousness destroys connections in order to free up resources for fresh impressions.2. Sleep-development. When a person learns something new or finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, the psyche very often depicts these phenomena in the form of passing exams, traveling by car or train. At the same time, the person does not feel very confident.3. Series of dreams. Such dreams can be seen for several years. They reflect our idea of ​​ourselves, the world around us and people. This group includes dreams in which a person follows somewhere, overcomes obstacles, finds himself on a desert island or on another planet.4. Nightmares. These dreams reflect our psychological problems. From nightmares, people wake up abruptly, often in tears or with a rapid heartbeat, which means a high concentration of negative emotions accumulated in the subconscious. Thanks to nightmares, a person can understand what negative emotion that arose in the past still brings suffering.5. A dream is the fulfillment of a wish. It is more correct to interpret a dream from the point of view of emotions rather than content. Even if the plot of a dream looks creepy, a person can experience pleasant emotions from what he sees. For example, someone discovered a false jaw in his mouth instead of his own teeth, but was not at all upset, and even felt relieved. This may mean that in reality a person has problems with teeth (caries, malocclusion), that is, his teeth prevent him from feeling comfortable. When in a dream he suddenly has the opportunity to at least temporarily get rid of discomfort, the dreamer experiences pleasant feelings.6. Sleep-rest. This includes scenes in which we travel, swim, and enjoy delicious food. This means that our psyche is completely free from solving problems and complex tasks.7. Sleep is a solution. If in reality you need to make an important decision, a dream can tell you exactly how you want to act in this situation. The most common reasons are listed here. Dreams serve as an important source of information about our true experiences, problems, and desires. Therefore, you should pay attention to what you have learned and subject your feelings to detailed analysis. Your psychologist, Polina Checheneva.