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From the author: “Depression is not a crime, but it can plunge a person into an abyss into which even a crime cannot plunge him.” Rebbe Schneerson. Depression...The World Health Organization (WHO) compares depression to an epidemic that has engulfed all of humanity. At the 51st session of WHO, it was announced that depression has already taken first place in the world among the causes of absence from work, and second place among diseases leading to disability. If appropriate measures are not taken, then by 2020 depression will paralyze the economic life of both developed and developing countries. (information from the site http://www.depresiy.net/stat.html). It’s no secret that in developed countries this disease is now treated as the most common, and psychotherapists and psychiatrists are increasingly prescribing antidepressants. My opinion is that depression cannot be treated with medications, this can only be driven into remission. You just need to contact an experienced psychological help specialist (psychologist or psychotherapist) and start looking for the reasons that caused it. Medicines remove the symptom. For a while. But the reason remains. The essence of psychotherapy in this case is to find the cause of depression and recover. Depression is cured, just like many other mental illnesses are cured, which people often do not pay attention to due to habit and ignorance of another, full and enriched life. The roots of depression lie in relation to oneself as to a person who does not deserve happiness, and even more often - as a nonentity. It is possible that this perception was influenced by the attitude of significant loved ones, some kind of mental trauma, or event. But one way or another, a person experiencing despondency and unwillingness to live identified himself with past mental traumas and “decided” that he was “bad.” It is from this idea of ​​himself that all further behavior begins, each time confirming that very “truth” about a “bad” person. I will not describe what can be found in medical or psychological literature; I would like to touch on the factors contributing to the development and persistence of the disease in order to help those of my readers who are tired of experiencing a state of depression. Factors influencing the development and stability of depression:1. Attitude towards yourself. This is the root. And this is mentioned above.2. Suppression of emotions. For example, you don’t like that your husband yells at you all the time, but you remain silent and hold back to avoid conflict. Suppressed emotions block energy, you lose it and spend it on holding back anger at your husband and, accordingly, gradually become passive and indifferent. This is the beginning of depression. No one is saying that in response to your husband’s scream you should also scream (I don’t want to be misunderstood), we are talking about telling your husband about your feelings in a socially acceptable way (that you are offended, hurt, etc. ). By speaking out your feelings, you free yourself from them.3. Violence. Emotional, verbal and, of course, physical, sexual. This is when you endure an inhumane attitude towards you for a long, long time... Maybe you are afraid of something or do not dare to make a choice. A person is worthy of HUMAN treatment and RESPECT. This means that under no circumstances should you be insulted or humiliated. I noticed that in Russia rudeness is the norm. People are accustomed to such boorish treatment. It's everywhere. But rudeness cannot be the norm! A healthy psyche reacts to rudeness as a “sos” signal. Rudeness is certainly a form of violence.4. Food that you don't like. Sometimes people eat through force... This is also a form of self-abuse. Stuffing something that doesn’t fit into your mouth is abusing your body. Perhaps as a child, your mother told you to finish your food or eat what was prepared... Usually they don’t want to eat food that tastes bad. You should like the food you eat, only then can it be healthy. And, again, without extremes: if you love hamburgers, this does not mean that you should now eat only them. Here we are talking about