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What is the significance of TikTok and Reels in the modern world? What are the differences in the perception of information among young people from the older generation? We will discuss these and other questions in this article. And at the end for you a small dictionary of modern terms *Modern youth are representatives of the Z-GENERATION (generation z*), born in the digital world, they grow and develop, rapidly studying virtual networks. A gigantic flow of information is constantly updated in the Internet space, its influence has a certain impact on our psyche - namely a fragmented type of information perception is being formed. Previously, there were newspapers and several television channels - now there is an endless and dense information flow. YouTube, Instagram *, Telegram, Vk.com, Reels and TikTok... And today, each of us has the opportunity to publish our own content, especially thereby increasing the information flow even more. How do we deal with this? We (representatives especially) are accustomed to this and perceive such a burden on the psyche as the norm. Adults (the older generation) are gradually connecting to the study of the digital world, but some, especially the oldest , still resist and ignore the emerging possibilities of technology. A certain barrier and misunderstanding arises between representatives of different generations. However, it is hardly possible to return anything back, the digital world will only expand, and its capabilities will grow, so studying it in modern society is simply necessary. What happens to our attention? Due to the large amount of time spent on the Internet, we can note peculiarities in the course of our mental processes. There is so much information on the Internet - pictures, posts, notifications, headlines, new messages - all this takes away parts of our attention , and it dissipates. The content* is so diverse that we don’t know how to cover everything, spending a large number of hours on the Internet, it seems to absorb us. Our needs for consuming content have changed. We need more and more new stimuli to feel satisfied. This is probably due to the fact that irritating stimuli have become firmly established in our lives, and when we are suddenly left without them (for example, the Internet is turned off or your friends are not writing to you today, colleagues are silent and there is no news from anyone) - we begin to feel anxious. Where are the incentives? After all, we are so used to them. We can hardly sit still without looking at our phone. We have a need to check the smartphone screen and make sure there are notifications or not. Our morning often begins with checking our feed, looking at missed messages, as well as various updates or news from our friends, loved ones and events in the world. Now we need content, we need incentives to stay informed so as not to miss anything. What are the current trends in the perception of information? The simpler the better. Modern trends today are associated with the phenomenon of visualization*. Text information is perceived with difficulty - it becomes important to reinforce it with an image, a picture. Long texts also cause difficulty and are difficult for the z-generation to read to the end. The shorter the information, the more likely it is that it will be processed. Most often, the eye stops at the headlines, and the text is glanced at, snatching out significant pieces in fragments. Video content is one of the main trends today. These are short, most often entertaining videos from a couple of seconds to several minutes. The shorter the better. Videos have many advantages; the psyche requires less effort to process them, because complex texts are replaced by music, movement, images, which we seem to read instantly, without making much effort. Examples of video content are TikTok* and Reels*. The most popular video topics are humor, dancing, jokes, educational content, cooking, fashion, animals and much more. Thus, visual content with a minimum amount of text, orvideo content. Fast, bright, concise and interesting. From which we can get some benefit or emotions. Do you also not finish watching/reading/scrolling and increase the speed of content playback? The desire to receive benefit or satisfaction from content is great, and we are also trying to cover a large number of stimuli in a limited amount of time , so we need to consume them quickly. We may rewind videos or not watch stories* to the end if we lose interest and our attention switches to something else. We may not finish reading the news or listen to podcasts, focusing only on individual elements. We have become multitasking We are able to do several things at the same time and we consider this the norm. This is how we consume information from several channels at once. We watch a TV series and check social networks. We open many tabs and view them in parallel. We communicate in several chats on different topics. And although our attention becomes more scattered, we still cope well with this multitasking. Emojis, gifs, memes - in our lifeCan you imagine our life without stickers*, emoticons*, emoji* and memes*? Hardly. What can we say if Instagram*, Sberbank, WhatsApp have long been offering to replace your photo with an online avatar? Visual images are everywhere. Since we are constantly on the Internet, and also communicate there, we have a need to convey our emotions as fully as possible. Stickers and emojis do a great job of this. Without them, text messages seem incomplete. Symbols allow you to encode a word and convey its essence through an image. In fact, this is how people communicated in the distant past with the help of rock paintings. And today we encode jokes into memes, emotions into pictures and transfer them to each other at the right moment. Emotions are attractive Information must be emotionally charged. We perceive something better if it evokes an emotion in us, an internal response. That’s why video jokes that lift our spirits become so infectious. The main thing is that the information is interesting, then it will be easier and more pleasant to understand. So, let’s summarize: There is a lot of information, there is little time. Today we best perceive short, bright content with a picture or, even more attractively, with a video. The content must be interesting to us, otherwise we will turn it off, rewind it, or strain very hard to listen to the end. It’s good if the content evokes emotions, preferably positive ones. And now a few terms, for those who are a little at a loss in modern terminology. Dictionary of modern terms Content - content and content, is a term that reflects any information or materials posted on the Internet (text , photo, image, video, etc.)Visualization - presentation of information in a visual form, as images, images, pictures. TikTok - a service for creating and viewing short videos combining music, video, and sometimes text. Originated in 2018, initially in China. In China, TikTok is known as "Douyin". TikTok content is aimed at areas such as humor, modern trends, dancing, natural beauty, educational videos and more. Reels are short videos lasting 15-60 seconds within the Instagram* network, usually containing video, text and music. This is an analogue of TikTok. Reels also appeared on other social networks - VKontakte, YouTube. Stories on Instagram* - this is content called “Stories”, which is published most often on Instagram (although now this is possible on both VK and WhatApp), its The peculiarity is that it disappears after 24 hours. You can publish anything - text, photos, videos. Stories or Stories allow you to break information into fragments, share everyday life here and now. Emoji are emoticons that convey a variety of emotions and more, including food, drinks, clothing, nature, buildings and much more. Stickers are larger images, than emoji, most often in the form of various animals, characters, or also in the form of emoji - they allow you to convey your attitude towards something, or.