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From the author: more useful materials www.treningi.me SIMORON or how to make your Dreams come true. Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide. It is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change it. It is impossible - this is not a fact. This is just an opinion. Impossible is not a sentence. This is a chance to test yourself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is possible! Some people dream of wealth and fame. Or about eternal love, a house by the sea and a dozen children. Someone wants to go to the Himalayas and spend their whole life in meditation. Someone - to create their own business and be in demand. Our desires are different, but almost everyone has them! And even if a person says that there are no desires, I look at him with distrust. Either he already has everything, or he’s too lazy to achieve something (and therefore doesn’t need to want it, so as not to fuss again!), or he’s scared (what if I don’t get what I want, and what if in the process they step on my pet peeve?) , or a person is so disappointed in life that he has forgotten how to dream :( The day before writing this article, I talked with a journalist from a women’s magazine. I was asked to write an article about desires for the New Year. This is one of my favorite topics, I am willing to share psychological methods, so I enthusiastically dialed her phone number to clarify the request. The article never saw the light of day because the request was: to teach the reader not to make unrealistic plans so that there are no disappointments, preferably with auto-training “how not to expect unrealistic miracles that never happen. will come true.” Something similar to a child’s insult: “Oh, Santa Claus didn’t bring anything, well, I don’t need it, well, I won’t believe in you, and I won’t behave well either!!! I won’t wait, or ask, or to achieve, I’ll crawl under the covers and quietly be offended at the whole world. But the New Year, along with your birthday, is such a good date and holiday to change your life! Out of childhood habit, we believe in miracles, the energy of creativity and the thirst to change life for the better awakens, to add at least a drop of positive change to it. If your dreams do not come true, this does not mean that you should lower the bar or give up on them! This is an opportunity to change your internal and external reality, release your creative energy and direct it to make your wishes come true! With our thoughts, desires, actions, we create the situation in which we live. The sages who have learned the laws of the universe say that the Universe fulfills all our desires, it is abundant. We ourselves attract meetings, love and separation, poverty and wealth, health and illness into our lives. Therefore, you have the power to change the entire reality around you, starting with yourself! And simoron is an excellent practical tool for these changes. But, first things first. WHAT IS SIMORON? Once upon a time there lived a man, Burlan Pyotr Terentyevich. Lived in Ukraine and worked in Kyiv at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater. This is the largest Russian-language theater in Ukraine. Worked as a director. Until, back in 1988, a group of young actors, graduates of the Kyiv Theater Institute, were accepted into the theater. There were also people among them with a pronounced fear of public speaking, who were stiff in their movements and lost their voices from excitement, lost their memory, and stopped thinking as soon as it came to going on stage. Burlan, together with his wife, Petra Burlan, began looking for exercises to overcome the fear of publicity, pressure and tightness. And then it turned out that fears accompany a person all his life. And being born into the world is scary (what if it’s bad there?:), and going to school for the first time (what if they scold you and no one will be friends?), and getting married ( what if they stop loving me, cheat on me, what if I don’t have children?), and to workI’m scared to go out (what if I can’t cope, it won’t work out, I’ll have to quarrel with my boss, the team won’t accept me) and life in general is scary. As a result of many years of searching, it turned out that having learned to stop the fountain of one fear, you can use this experience for everyone else. Burlan, in search of exercises for young actors that would allow them to look at life more confidently and positively, found a whole psychological system that allows a person to live without constant torment and doubts about their abilities and their success, without constant negative emotions, and to feel responsible for their destiny , without the beloved Russian national game “who is to blame?”. Realizing that the system works not only to relieve actors from the fear of performing, Peter and Petra Burlan founded their own school and began to teach this method to everyone, calling it “Simoron”. The word “simoron” itself means absolutely nothing - it is a toy word, an invention that successfully reflects the essence of the practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life. Simoron is a game training. And the technologies used in the system are a set of intricate psychological techniques that synthesize the most effective and publicly available techniques of ancient and modern times. In this method, your mind-player is deprived of its usual supports, because all Simoron techniques-games-rituals appeal not to the mind-mind, but to the subconscious. And they allow you to look for answers there. The consequences of such games are changes for the better in life circumstances, the need for your body to get sick disappears, problems are solved as if by themselves, fears and emotional hassle go away. The entire world around us miraculously ceases to be hostile and the whole series of events supports you in the joyful feeling of the celebration of Life, something new, unexpected and creative. And the best part is that life with simoron turns into a fun and magical game in which everything is possible and easy! Some people consider simoron magic. Some - a modern variety of shamanism, others - the legacy of European ritual magic, some compare the Simoron exercises with the “controlled stupidity” practiced by magicians from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda. Others - some kind of stupid joke. And still others simply don’t believe in it, but are forced to admit: for some reason it works... Psychologists consider simoron one of the trends in psychology that allows you to work with a person’s subconscious, avoiding the defensive reactions of the Consciousness. Dozens of books have already been written about simoron; it has branched into several schools. For all their magic and “frivolity,” Simoron’s methods are truly capable of changing those who are ready to change. In my practice, there are dozens of client stories about how neither psychotherapy nor business methods could move the situation from a dead point: planning, setting goals and developing strategies, but simoron could. Served as a trigger for the result of all the work done previously. Intrigued? Then more details! If you bite on one side, you will grow, on the other, you will shrink... - On the one side of what? And on the other hand, what?! - MUSHROOM!!! If I had my own world, everything in it would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it really is, because everything would be what it is not, and conversely, it would not be what it is, and whatever it was not, it was. Alice in Wonderland. I’ll tell you how I understand Simoron and how it works! First of all, the Simoron system is a certain philosophy, worldview. For the convenience of the reader, I have reduced it to the main points: 1. The Universe is abundant. Therefore, you can always get what you want. 2. Your picture of the world is around you and you can change it at any moment! Learning to look at the world in general and your problem in particular from a different perspective is the key to “magic” psychotherapy. What kills success inin any case? One-sided, limited perception of the world. This is black, this is white, it will work out this way, it won’t work out that way, this is possible, this is impossible... Thinking stereotypes prevent you from achieving success. The situation has changed, but we continue to cling to old patterns of thinking and behavior that were once effective. In Simoron they call it the Habitual Picture of the World or abbreviated as PKM. And they are changing the PKM to the VKM - the Magic Picture of the World. If in your picture of the World the men are goats, and if not goats, then they are married bastards; if the money comes only from blood and sweat, and even then it’s small, because big money goes only to swindlers; if there is no real love, and health is quite natural in our age -... then perhaps you just need to change your picture of the world and the scenery around you will change? 3. I play by rules that win! This is a continuation of the previous point. Everyone says that when you are well over 30, the chances of getting married and having a child are close to zero, that with your work experience there is no way to get this position... BUT! You DO NOT BELIEVE this, you are playing by different rules!!! When at 45 - a woman is a berry again and in accordance with which all employers DREAM about you. And you win! Because a person with such an attitude cannot possibly lose!! 4. And finally, to make your wish come true, you come up with and carry out a MAGIC RITUAL to make your wish come true! This is done in a state of high spirits, energy, play, “purring”, “soaring”. In "floating" you feel that the world is friendly and cheerful, it is abundant and full of resources, and it will give you sincere pleasure to shower you with gifts. You can handle everything! If you do not enter this state, then any Simoron games will remain only strange body movements. How to achieve it? How to ignite the “inner fire”? Enter a resource state? Well, firstly, if, according to the previous points, you changed the “habitual picture of your world” to a “magical” one, you will almost always be in this state. Merry dancing (with panties on your head, too!), breathing techniques, music, meditation, and your other individual ways of creating a great mood also help you get into it. Sometimes, when you are really sad and dreary, you can start coming up with funny rituals and gradually the mood gets better and better! :)) Often my clients, having learned about Simoron, try to literally use the ready-made rituals described in books and on websites, after a while coming to the conclusion that it doesn't always work. When you first begin to get acquainted with this system, it may seem like practical magic with ready-made recipes. For example, to attract a betrothed, you need to buy the men's slippers you like, the right size, bring them into the house, and greet them with bread and salt. All wrong! To make a wish come true, the energy of creativity is very important! The ritual should be designed specifically for your situation. Often it comes from your unconscious in a purring state and is right for you! Ready-made recipes are good for accelerating your imagination. If nothing comes to mind, read what others have come up with, but at least slightly change the ritual to suit your situation! To attract love, some need a net of ribbons, some need bra hooks, some need to hand out advertisements, some need to dress up in a frog costume and invite all the pretty members of the opposite sex to pick up an arrow from their swamp! :) How to come up with rituals - I will tell you in the following articles. The funnier and more difficult they are for you to perform, the better! And one more story from life. Once upon a time there lived a princess girl. She succeeded in many things in her life. And she rebuilt her kingdom and did what she loved, and she was surrounded by loyal friends and loved ones. Only the girl cried into her pillow every night because the princeyour loved one is not around. No prince, no horse, no horseshoe. And more and more little bunny boys are running around, fussing and asking for marriage, who cannot raise a kingdom or tame a horse. All they can do is jump around on four legs, wave their little white tails and sing funny songs, the girl will scratch them behind the ear, stroke their fur - and they will again eat grass in the clearing and look at the girl with admiration. There was, of course, one, the prince of the southern lands, the keeper of the Eternal Ocean of Wisdom, so he, the plague, did not want to get married. Not on the girl, not at all. He was fine with his ocean. And the girl looked every day in the magic mirror: “Am I the cutest in the world?!! “You, you’re sweeter than everyone, kinder than everyone, I’m already tired of everyone!” answered the mirror. “You’re lying, you damned one!” the girl grumbled and put it away until the next day. -Mirror, maybe I have a fat butt or bad karma, or even worse, the crown of celibacy along with this unsuccessfully purchased little blue skirt, maybe I need a shorter skirt, huh? And scratch their ears more actively, what if this turns the bunnies into princes!? And the mirror closed: “You are the cutest in the world!” The girl spat, slammed the mirror on the floor and went to Baba Yaga. I want, he says, for the prince we know to forget about his boundless ocean, wag his tail like little bunnies and get married. -EEE, honey. Yaga says. Why do you need another bunny? You better learn to be smart! And the girl went to study simoron with the Pope with the Beard. She put on a white ponytail and bunny ears and began to sing and jump on the balcony of the Moscow hotel in the glorious city of Sochi and call the hunter! And I became so excited that I forgot about the Guardian of the Ocean and the bunny boys. It made her feel so happy and funny. And she forgot about karma, and about the crown of celibacy, because in her new, Magical picture of the world they simply weren’t there! And she galloped away. The Hunter appeared. The real Queen. Yes, so stately, and so wise, that you can’t say it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen. He took the kingdom into his own hands, picked up the bunny girl and they began to live well and have children. They already have two children, a girl and another boy! You probably already guessed that this girl was me. I just stopped “setting traps” and allowed my prince to get me himself. :) There is, of course, mysticism in this story. By changing herself, the girl changed the movement of the universe. On the day when the girl studied Simoron, the Prince decided to leave the woman and look for Love... Why does this work? You change your picture of the world, your style of behavior towards others changes. Consequently, the world around you also begins to treat you completely differently. In the process of performing seemingly meaningless and ridiculous rituals, you give up your internal controller, who always knows “how it should be done.” You are embodied in any role, like a playing child, often unusual for you. Consequently, you become more flexible, the repertoire of role behavior expands, you can now choose how to behave more effectively in certain situations. You release everything that was hidden in the subconscious, and it brings up the necessary solutions, and being in a state of creativity, you you can easily figure out how to act. You accept the point of view that everything is possible, and allow yourself to receive gifts from the world. You take responsibility for what happens to you, stop blaming circumstances and begin to act. In general, instead of analyzing Simoron, it’s better to tell yourself: “Now I’m playing!” and allow any inventions to happen! - This won't help! - she said. - You cannot believe in the impossible! “You just don’t have enough experience,” the Queen remarked. “When I was your age, I devoted half an hour to this every day!” On some days, I managed to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast! Ah, again my shawl is flying somewhere! Alice in the Country