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From the author: This article presents brief results of a comparative study of psychoanalytic students and students of a humanistic school. Quite recently, I defended the thesis and, so that my work does not go to waste, as well as At the request of workers, I would like to share some interesting results that I obtained while conducting research. The study was devoted to searching for differences in value orientations among two groups of students: 1) those interested in psychoanalysis (PA, or psychoanalysts - hereinafter), and 2) those interested in humanistic psychology (GUM, or humanists - hereinafter). Naturally, all respondents were senior students (3,4,5) and studied in the specialty “psychology” or something very close to it (eg clinical psychology, although there were a couple of people from specialties like social work, but in their I had no doubts about my interest in psychology). I will omit the entire formal part here (who is interested in methods, organization, sampling and nonsense - please contact me in private messages or comments - I’ll tell you everything). From the very beginning of the study, there was a curious tendency among PA students to ask a lot of questions. They definitely thought about the answers and many questions simply puzzled them, after which they wrote to me, and I, nodding sympathetically, explained that these questions were really ambiguous or paranoid and I could not help - this is how the authors of the standardized methods compiled them. Well, look for yourself, it was necessary to assess agreement with the statements: “I often have the feeling that the person with whom I am mentally talking is unpleasant to me”; That is, answering this question with any assessment, you and I agree that we are generally talking to someone mentally. These are obsessive dialogues, you know. “Sometimes I argue with my inner voice and often come out victorious, and then it becomes silent.” I’m quietly having a conversation with myself, I out-argued myself, and still remained the winner. If we disagree with the statement, then we disagree with what? With the fact that sometimes I argue with the inner voice, with the fact that I emerge victorious, or with the fact that it becomes silent? “There is a certain being inside me that keeps the purity of my soul.” Such Aunt Zina, who every Friday wipes your conscience and undermines your wit. "Sometimes the voice of God sounds in a person's heart." We mark “disagree” and it turns out that not sometimes, or not the voice, or not God... This, of course, is all criticism of the methods, but, no matter how flawed they may be, nevertheless, they can show something interesting . Complementing the observations, I can say that none of the sample of GUM students asked questions about the strangeness of the questions. Either they are silently surprised or they understand the questions. I am inclined to the second version, since the degree of agreement on the issues was high, i.e. the entire group answered a fairly large part of the questions in approximately the same way. At the same time, the PA’s bewilderment was evident from the results. It was possible to identify quite a few common answers for the entire group. They assessed either the average score (but no one will get you), or the assessments were very different (half give high, half give low). In general, it was difficult for analysts to come to a common answer. However, which is not at all surprising, the majority of PAs agreed that they consider the main value in life to be pleasure and the search for vivid impressions. Also, more important for them than for GUM is confidentiality in work and non-overlapping contexts (the absence of relationships other than professional ones). Humanistic psychologists agreed that for all of them, relationships with other people come first. They strive to develop their personal qualities, to become more capable, broad-minded, and intelligent. PA, by the way, also wants this, but less, and for them it is still important to be independent. For GUM, such qualities as sociality, responsibility, loyalty, social justice, and maintenance of traditions are highly appreciated. For the PA there is only pleasure and vivid impressions. PA.