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British scientists know how to become a happy person, and explained that different color shades have different effects on a person’s psychological state. Let's take a closer look at what colors give happiness? Sunny colors and life-affirming landscapes - scientists have proven that certain colors can really bring happiness to people. Moreover, they are completely different for men and women - blue and green lift the mood for men, and orange and purple lift the mood for women. Domestic designers know first-hand about our color preferences, and they assure that today it is quite simple to find a shade of your favorite color that would bring joy and suit your color type. For example, men by nature are quite constructive and active, so they are attracted to strict tones, while women are more artistic and delicate in nature, so they prefer bright shades. Fine arts teachers also note a direct pattern between color and internal state. To a greater extent, those who work with children, because their drawings, like an open book, speak for themselves, especially when they are dark and gloomy. As a rule, children who prefer dark colors are repressed and very modest, but over time, after several lessons with a teacher, they move on to more cheerful, bright and rich colors, which certainly affects the child’s character. By the way, children themselves absolutely do not like to draw with dark, nondescript colors, for example, gray or black. And such tones make not only children sad, but also adults, who admit that a lot of black, gray and brown in their lives spoils their mood, but only bright, life-affirming shades can make them happy. But in addition to the fact that bright colors improve psychological well-being, they also increase brain productivity from 15 to 25%. In general, living in harmony with ourselves, being heard, and most importantly understood, surrounding ourselves with our favorite flowers, we on a subconscious level, without noticing it, strive to become a little happier. And for this, first of all, you need to learn to understand yourself and the signals that we send to the people around us every day with our color preferences..