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From the author: A family is a single whole! For a child, family is the first meeting with a new world, the first experience of communicating with people. The child sees the living reality around him in the family around the clock and directly takes part in it. He observes the relationships between parents and their relationships with other people, thereby absorbing patterns of behavior and relationships (even the parents’ reasoning about something) “like a sponge.” The child, comprehending everything that happens around him, thoughtfully listens and peers not only at what his parents show him, but also at what his parents hide in themselves. For example, in the morning a husband and wife had a fight, but their child did not see or hear this quarrel. The parents did not talk to each other all day (or these conversations were limited to the words “Yes, No”), but both paid a lot of attention to the child (walks, games, etc.). In this situation, the child feels extremely uncomfortable, despite the fact that the parents are playing with him. He not only sees that the parents do not talk to each other, but also feels their anger, resentment, and condemnation of each other. The tense atmosphere in this family makes the child tense, unsure of himself, and confused. Not the best atmosphere in a family for a child, where parents sort out their relationship in his presence. For example, mom, dad and child decided where they would spend the next weekend. During the conversation, an argument arose between the parents, which led to a quarrel. All this happened in the presence of a child. In this situation, the child not only sees and hears the quarrel, but also feels both parents - he is “charged” with their energy, which appears at the moment of the quarrel, thereby he becomes aggressive, nervous, irritated, and frightened. The same tense atmosphere arose in the family. From the above, we can conclude that the relationship between wife and husband has a great influence on the development of their child. Problems in a child’s behavior are his reaction to existing family disagreements and misunderstandings between spouses. The worse the family relationships, the worse the child’s behavior and development. Dear parents, there are no families without conflicts; in every family, at least occasionally, dissatisfaction with marriage arises. This is natural, this is normal. Contradictions in the family encourage the search for satisfying relationships. In other words: Quarrels between parents are the progress of the family! But if family quarrels do not lead to an improvement in relations between parents, then the atmosphere in the family will worsen and the child will suffer the most! The best way to change the atmosphere in the family is to settle family relationships and solve your own problems!