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From the author: Who among us has not entered the stormy waters of separation and experienced the full brunt of separation? Pain can be destructive, or it can also create, if you are ready to listen to your own soul... Parting is a little death What precedes rebirth And even the entire earth's firmament Will not stop this moment... REASONS FOR SEPARATIONFor the most part, the termination of relationships, a breakup is often a consequence of unjustified hopes and expectations, conflict of interests, cooling of feelings, mutual claims. Although there may be very unpredictable and even inexplicable at first glance reasons that ultimately lead to the severance of established ties and forms of interaction: love-partnership or family. Among them, a special trail runs a spiritual separation that ends the previous model of relationships due to previously planned contracts and teaching and complementary roles taken by both partners. But it also happens that a dear or loved one leaves us or leaves us after going beyond the line of death. And our entire personal essence and conditioned love protests and wanders from the impossibility of changing this reality. THE PAIN OF PARTING AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS Pain... How this capacious word can expand to the size of the universe, not someone else’s, not abstract, but your own. Superimposed on the feeling of love, it is like a sea wave of someone else's happiness covers the stones of your indifference and silent observation of what until recently was your family, close, dear. So love and pain in an instant become sisters, picking up the baton of fate from love and joy. It is at this moment that you suddenly begin fully feel what I spoke and wrote about earlier: you can almost always find an effective cure for physical pain. Mental pain can only be experienced. And it is sometimes unbearably difficult to survive, living through all the emotional and mental anxieties and mental groanings, as if your entire being is plunging into the red-hot lava of experiences of a suffocating nature. The sensations are absolutely physical, to the point of nausea and swelling in the chest, to the point of with which there is an incomparable sucking in the pit of the stomach and wild bitterness. At this moment, depressing and aggravating qualities of an already unsweetened situation enter the arena of emotional experiences together or one after another, among which are self-pity, a feeling of annoyance, disappointment, resentment... Self-pity underestimates one’s own self-esteem is below the acceptable threshold of self-love and belief in one’s uniqueness and originality. Disappointment appears in the form of a broken trough from the fairy tale “The Old Man and the Fish,” and an angry old woman represents dissatisfaction with the existing moment. Resentment is seen from the inner screen of the personality with such a terrifying grimace that it fits the soul burst into tears at the picture he saw. But to our great joy, the soul is not whiny and does not doubt. Moreover, she knows how to help a confused and lost person. The latter only needs to turn her downcast gaze to open arms, ready to melt the pain of separation and its consequences, replacing it with the energy of joy and love. SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE The soul is not alone in the help of compassion. Her call is picked up by all the Light Bearers on the Ray of Love-Wisdom, ready to melt the tormented heart bound by the ice of torment with Spiritual Love, unconditional forgiving and caring. Their warmth of participation indicates the need to be present in the moment of the present, in a state of here and now without constantly looking back into the past, although at times this is an incredibly difficult task. A gaze directed to the future without reference to the past, which will subsequently align itself, can also be considered effective. with existing reality. Very few are able to look at past experiences, whatever they may have been, with gratitude and appreciation for the life lessons learned in the former union. But even in this case, the past does not always loom rosy and without bitterness. You need to clearly imagine that parting is by no means a fly in the ointment called life, which is what it seems to be. Parting is completiona certain cycle, preparation and transition to the next stage of life to play out new scenarios and alternative paths of development. Having considered the breakup of relationships from this perspective, you make a truly colossal breakthrough in overcoming your own imperfect nature, integrating the personality with the soul, albeit in a very painful, but effective way .Having made such a titanic and truly heroic effort, you evolve and improve as rapidly as rapid spiritual growth is generally possible. In any case, the echoes of parting will remind of themselves for a long time and it is necessary to wage a purposeful “struggle” with them, consisting of non-resistance and switching our attention to the numerous joys of life, with which we were previously surrounded, but often did not notice, carried away by the object of love, passion, worship. DEADLY SEPARATION A separation, at one end of which there is an unfinished scenario of relationships - family, love, partnership, and at the other - a corridor in eternity is a very difficult test for any person, no matter how persistent, mature and seasoned she may seem. After all, on the one hand, there is a silent question - “why?”, which contains all the suffering, misunderstanding, resentment, anger, bewilderment and even hatred, masquerading as dissatisfaction, and on the other hand, devastation, melancholy and reluctance to accept the realities of life as existing in their cause-and-effect relationship, form a framework of pain that fetters the whole nature to the point of inability to breathe and, at times, crazy thoughts that seem to push you into the embrace of death In fact, all the internal springs of such a separation - sudden, gradual or latently formed - are too stretched to return to their previous position and state. But, most likely, we don’t need this. For death is the only reason that it is absurd to ignore, it is unworthy to fear, but we have to respect it. More precisely, to respect not death itself, but what it veils - the will of the soul, to leave one’s bodily attire if there were appropriate reasons for this, albeit not recognized by the personality of the deceased or his environment. Although, for the most part, those who go to the world of their forefathers at the moment before leaving even unconsciously feel the touches of eternity. It is more difficult for us who remain on this side of life. For it is necessary to understand, or rather, to comprehend the motives, prerequisites and mechanisms that stopped the time countdown of the life span of a person close to us. But here it is precisely the most difficult thing, because unraveling the karmic tangle of an untimely departed, even if recognized by us, is not a task for a limited person. One way or another otherwise, we must realize: “what is here is also there, what is there is also here. Anyone who sees something different here meets death after death. Only with deep consciousness can this be understood. The one who distinguishes this world from the other goes from death to death.” – Katha Upanishad In other words, it is foolish to act out the tragedy of self-pity. It is important to properly guide a person close to us, releasing all attachments through forgiveness, blessing and unconditional love. Tibetans say that “there is not a single person, not a single living creature who does not return after death. We died many times before we got here.” In this context, it is important to evaluate your life in terms of sudden departure. What will we leave behind? With what amount of experience will we cross the veil of death? What will we bring to the tablets of eternity? This, and only this, has truly important significance and meaning. Those who have passed on before us are an effective and contrasting reminder of the non-infinity of material life. When you reach certain depths of consciousness, then the fullness of spiritual purity will wash away suffering with spring water. Then you will come to the understanding that the meaning of life is harmony, and you are, of course, a part of the Everything with the name: “Eternal symphony.” PARTING AS SPIRITUAL LONELINESS Everyone knows, only you didn’t know That long ago the beginning of all beginnings Are listed in all prophecies – Loneliness…. O. Mityaev A break in a relationship is always a return, with at least onehand, into a state of loneliness. And this is the main reason for the unbearable pain of parting, as if some important part of yourself was taken away without demand and without the seeming possibility of restoration. But loneliness perceived in this way is illusory, because in this case we do not remain alone not only on the internal planes and dimensions, but also in ordinary external life. Coming into this world as groups of souls, we always maintain an invisible connection with them, and we only need to remember this, reuniting consciously during meditation and sleep. During sleep, we there is a unification of all parts of our nature, as there is an integration of all 12 fragments of our spirit with the core of the personality. This leads to the fact that the qualities of God inherent in us, initially, begin to manifest themselves in our lives, and invaluable personal experience is “picked up” by other levels/dimensions and states of consciousness. Also, there is nothing unnatural in loneliness itself, because we need it for periodic inspections of our feelings , views and preferences. But in this situation, the feeling of loneliness is too acute and even in some ways with a seeming tragedy. However, it is precisely during periods of planned separation, which may represent a break in relationships, that SELF-MASTERY is embodied and impeccability crystallizes for finding one’s own integrity in self-reunion, as evidenced by the Ascended Masters. And in this seemingly unfavorable period, GOOD GIVING occurs when we carry out a subtle attunement with our higher “I”, comprehending the nature of Love through self-completion and self-sufficiency. In this context, loneliness is the path to our own INDEPENDENCE, from the personal self or ego - this is the path to inner FREEDOM. And it is carried out most often in the silence of loneliness, when the silence of the soul reveals hitherto unknown facets of the spirit, allowing a person to look at himself and the world more consciously and, of course. PARTING AS SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION Sometimes scenarios play out in life that do not fit into the general idea of ​​love between a man and a woman, especially when she approaches her finale... So having parted, like spouses or partners who love each other, a man and a woman not only do not become bitter against each other, but also retain all the best that was and is between them, going out to a new level of relationships. And this is their joint evolutionary step and it is deeply spiritual. For in it the seeds of friendship, respect and acceptance grow into an even larger flower of a deep understanding of each other’s freedom of choice. This can happen when a man and woman separating as partners subtly feel the needs of the soul for a change in life plan. This experience is experiencing and entering into the flow of Spiritual Love - unconditional and forgiving, grateful and responsible, caring and somewhat sacrificial. This unusual attitude towards the difficult moments of separation is even more significant when it is passed without fear and regret, but with faith in divine guidance and approval. Such without exaggeration, the feat of life allows separated partners to spread the wings of their souls according to the inner impulse and desire to be happy without restrictions, guided by a bright feeling of Love. In this free choice of souls and individuals, an example of perseverance and generosity, respect, careful and reverent attitude is very indicative. The most difficult test in this separation, to preserve the ocean of feelings, realizing the impossibility of continuing the relationship in the same form. But Love is immeasurable and limited only in the personal perception of each other. And to preserve Love in the heart, without becoming hardened, losing some aspects of love - is possible when you look at the world as a soul - knowing, understanding and accepting any development of events with dignity. For by losing one thing, you automatically acquire another quality, which opens up new opportunities and new horizons of Love, among which is Unconditional Love - without conditions and expectations and, accordingly, subsequent disappointments. SPIRITUAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP Professional, andwhat is important is a positive psychologist, and even better, a spiritual coach, a truly invaluable assistant in a situation where the pain of separation is too painful to overcome alone. For, having identified your main life lesson, you will be able to consider your own separation from different levels of vision and understanding, seeing the essence of what happened on the one hand and seeing the way out on the other. At the same time, you learn to transfer attention from the past to the future. You also shift the focus of your emotional response from depressing and painful emotions to deep feelings, which allows you to open the gates of straight-knowledge for subsequent productive communication with your own soul. Moreover, guided by a spiritual mentor, you will be able to review own painful reaction, blown by the debunking and encouraging wind of change, healing the tormented soul and self-flagellation personality with wise advice and friendly participation. RESTORATION OF INTEGRITY To be or become integral or to heal means to reunite the disconnected parts of a person’s essence: spirit, soul and personality. In this trinity, the main initiator and The HEALER is the human spirit through MIND - Light, mirrored by the mind through the channel of the soul, freeing the personality from the shackles of destructive emotions. A spiritual mentor or dedicated healer is called upon to awaken the light of the mind. By igniting the inner Light of a person, the healer directs its healing power to self-healing, followed by sealing the harmonious integrity of his emotional, mental and etheric bodies with a ray of Love-Wisdom, spectrally involving all the colors of the rainbow. We are talking about the spiritual here healer, white magician, creating a stable channel of Unconditional Love, attracting all possible Forces of Light for the successful completion of this work and blocking any unfriendly interference with special protective measures. BALM OF AWARENESS In any painful life situation, one’s own constructive efforts aimed at eradicating, getting rid of or transforming the consequences of psycho-emotional suffering are very significant and most important in realizing them. Awareness not so much prevents their occurrence in the future as it forms a new ideological model, which is based on a change in attitude towards them. And these are already very mature and important evolutionary steps that will radically transform your life. Always remember that you are beings of Light who periodically enter the cloudy and nebulous zone of life. From this perspective, any separation, even the most unexpected, is simply a spontaneous manifestation of nature - hurricane and stormy, and it is temporary. And let the limitations of space and time not leave an imprint in your consciousness in the form of the impossibility of change. For even time is the best medicine in healing from the illness of separation. And having begun to use space with the aim of expanding it from the point of personal perception narrowed by pain to a more comprehensive experience, not distorted by the emotional shackles of regret, disappointment and resentment, you will see many positive aspects of what happened on the one hand and you will be able to switch less painfully to other joys of life on the other. It is a completely different matter if parting is the result of your loved one leaving the forefront of the life of your loved one into the Higher world. Then the tragedy of the breakup that occurred is not comparable with all of the above. But even in this case, awareness of the fact that the soul of the departed is tied to the earthly plane by our self-flagellation persistence, which does not allow us to accept departure only as a process of ending a certain experience of life in the body of a person we love, allows us to shift the focus of our attention from ourselves. We must always remember that LOVE is the divine message to people that the best way of interaction in the Universe is the Giving of Good. In this case, the good for the one who has gone into the world of the Forefathers is to let go of his Soul by disidentification. Withdrawal is determined by His free will, and your selfish opposition is a serious obstacle. Here another law is included - No Harm, and this is exactly what it means