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From the author: The Fairytale World opens the way for us to Childhood, where faith in Miracle inspires and fills us with Light and Joy, when Good wins and Justice reigns in the World. A transparent Drop of rain flew from the sky, followed by a second and third, and the rain poured in.. The long-awaited downpour, like thin threads of water flying from the sky. This was the saving moisture for these places. For a long time they suffered from drought, many reservoirs were dried up by the heavy heat, the forests flared up from the heat, smoke and ashes from the fires obscured the sun, its rare ray sometimes broke through and dissolved in the haze, which made the sky gray. During the drought, the river became shallow and there was barely enough water in it to support the lives of local residents. And now a miracle of nature, a gift of fate, flowed from the heavens, washing everything. Adults and children ran out of their homes and put their joyful faces under the falling drops, caught the streams of rain with their hands and shouted enthusiastically: “Hurray! We are saved!” The earth was cleared of dust and soot accumulated during the drought. People, tired and exhausted by the anticipation of change, also cleansed themselves. Anxiety and fatigue were washed away from their faces, Hope and Faith sparkled in their eyes. A young boy sat on a bench in front of the house, watching the air become clear and filled with freshness and purity. The smell of rain intoxicated him, he imagined how the river would fill up again, flow into streams across the fields and the Earth would be able to produce a good harvest, but he would have to work hard, but this did not upset him at all, on the contrary, it gave him strength and inspiration. He clearly saw how a freshly plowed field was breathing and languishing in anticipation of sowing, it was ready to receive every grain, tenderly cover it with a soft earthen blanket, so that each one would take root and grow into a strong ear. Unnoticed, the Elder sat down next to him, from whose appearance it was clear that he had come he is from far away and his journey has been long. The young man, lost in his thoughts, did not immediately notice him. After some time, the young man drew attention to the guest: - Hello, excuse me, I was wondering where you were going from? - Nothing, you were so carried away that I didn’t dare interrupt your thoughts, I’m coming from far away.. - Are you looking for someone? , maybe you need help? - I was coming to you, your time has come... - Time? - This rain, just a short respite... The cause of all your disasters was the anger of an evil witch... - And what did we do to cause it? - Oh , this is an old story... Once upon a time there was a Sorceress, she was very kind and loved to give joy to people. But somehow, having played with miracles, she ended up in the Dark Kingdom of Shadows with the Black Sorcerer, got involved in a battle with him, but she was young and inexperienced, for her insolence he cast a spell, turning her into an evil Witch, imprisoned her heart in stone shell. And after that she began to rejoice in human grief, sow Envy, Cruelty and Greed. Once upon a time, in those days when you were still sleeping in the cradle, she looked into your Mother’s house, she wanted to do a nasty thing, take you away, but she couldn’t, power Love became your mother’s protection, all the witch’s anger returned to her and burned her.. The Witch rushed away from unbearable pain, but sent heat and drought to you... - Yes, things are going on.. Is it possible to disenchant her? - To disenchant this means lifting the spell from the Witch and helping people, but only you can cope with this - your protection is still strong. This is why I came to you..- Just me?? ... Well, how can it be.. - Seven times your region has dried up from the heat, another drought and everything in the area will burn forever, the witch is embittered, rushing around in a complete rage, terrible deceit is preparing... Full of doubts and surprise, the young man froze place, he clearly remembered that every time, after a saving downpour, the land was reborn, they barely had time to harvest the harvest, when a drought began, the harvested grain had to be stretched out until the next opportunity for sowing, which, for reasons unknown to him, was given once every three years. The people were in poverty and resignedly waited for the end of the drought. It seemed to him that this is how the world works. Doubts and uncertainty tore the Young Man’s soul. “Can I do it? How can I stand it?” But looking around, looking at the shiningthe sky was blue and crystal clear, in which a bright rainbow flaunted; hearing the joyful laughter of children dancing in the rain, he realized that people needed his help.. “What should we do?” he turned to the Elder. - Listen and remember - only once every three years at this time it rains. The Witch cannot stand moisture, which is why she loses her strength, everything in her kingdom is crooked and dried out. The Living Water, the source of which is hidden behind the distant rocks among large stones, will help free her heart; go there for three days and three nights, through the Black Forest. This place is wild, the living creatures are unusual, but you can pass through it if you enter the forest with Good in your heart, but do not allow cowardice into your soul. The inhabitants of this forest will test you, they will set traps and all sorts of horror stories. You need to walk confidently, don’t look around, look straight ahead, and don’t get involved in the troubles and turmoil of the forest. I’ll give you one Thing, it will be a talisman for you, as soon as the wicked thing comes up with a dirty trick, it will give you a signal, be careful. When you get to the spring with Living Water, do not rush to approach it, it is guarded by a winged Dragon, if you can tame it, you will get to the witch’s kingdom without difficulty, it was placed there by the sorceress herself, so that no one could get to the Spring.. - But how can I tame him..- And don’t give up in advance, I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve already given up.. The head is what you’re given for, when you get to the Stream, take a closer look at the Dragon, think about how he lives, what he’s used to, maybe what he needs... don’t get into trouble right away. “I understand,” the boy sighed, and began to get ready for the journey, took a rope with a hunting knife, some simple food, and a small supply of water. There was little time, and the road ahead was not close. Having said goodbye to the elder, having secured his Blessing, he set off on his journey. He walked for three days and three nights through the Black Forest, where he had to be in a sticky swamp and fall into a hole, but he was an agile worker and had no small strength, both a knife and a rope were useful to him, and the Elder’s amulet helped. The forest creatures plotted various intrigues for him, but he remembered the words of the Sage well and confidently walked towards the Spring. And finally the treasured stones appeared. The young man stopped, sat down and began to quietly watch and wait. Suddenly he heard rustling and groaning, heavy steps. From behind the hill, a winged Dragon was slowly moving its huge paws. He looked fierce. Bright scales shimmered in the sun, he nervously moved his nostrils, sucking in air and hitting the ground with his tail. The presence of another living creature told him his instincts. It was impossible to hesitate, and the Young Man, in order to distract the Dragon’s attention, threw a stone away from himself, and quickly ran back to the rocks. The beast became furious and rushed to catch up. Spitting fire, the Dragon tried to get prey from the cave in which the brave Youth managed to hide. The hole in the Cave was too small and it angered him. The young man looked around and saw, at the opposite end of the stone room from himself, a strip of light, he was not mistaken - this was another exit to the surface, while the Dragon was waiting on one side, the boy was able to get out from the opposite side, quietly sneak up to the monster and jump on his neck , he deftly threw a loop of rope around the Dragon’s powerful neck and pressed it down to pacify the animal’s anger. “Well, hush, hush, you’ll be angry,” he said affectionately in the Dragon’s ear, stroking his head, “How playful and nice you are.” For a long time he whispered with love in his voice, different words that the Dragon had never heard of, and stroked the animal’s head and neck, scratched behind the ear, the dragon was stunned by the affection, went limp all over and whined like a puppy with joy, bouncing awkwardly. Thus the fierce guard of the Spring was pacified, and the Young Man had a friend and comrade-in-arms. Meanwhile, the Young Warrior collected Living Water, jumped on the Dragon, and flew to the Kingdom of the Evil Witch. The dragon, inspired by freedom, rushed at breakneck speed and now the towers of the ominous castle standing in the middle of the desert became visible. The travelers carefully landed on the roof of the witch's house. In the tower window of the huge hall one could see the silhouette of a woman, at first.