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From the author: The article is part of the mailing list, which you can subscribe to on the page Published: If, dear reader, you care about the topic of money, competent writing and light humor, join our conversation. In it you will find not only general discussions on the topic, but also answers to specific questions and useful exercises that can improve your life. This article is part of the “Tao of Money” newsletter, which I have been running recently. I suggest you, reader, remember right now - do you want, or have you recently wanted, any fortune related to money? Abundance, wealth, independence (this is what they want most often)? Or maybe even basic income? That’s the question: most often a person says: I want money! And we don’t mind, we respect any “I want” - at least sometimes they encourage us to act! - on the contrary, we shrug our shoulders sympathetically: so what does he really want? After all, behind the word “money” stands: a) a universal equivalent of energy, b) a set of obligations, c) creative divine power, d) pieces of paper with printed signs, e) signs backed by the country’s gold reserves, f) a tool for materializing an idea, g) a set of social rights, h) social power... What does your “I want” refer to? I suggest you replace the word money with any of these meanings. What will happen? I want a universal equivalent of energy (this begs the direct question - how much? and what will you eat it with?). Or even better - I want a set of obligations! (oh, poor, unfortunate thing - I just want to say...) Or maybe - I want creative divine power! (Do you know how to handle it?) Leaflets with printed signs? (probably those who dreamed of this were happy in the early nineties :)) Well, continue on the list. Well - sometimes it even sounds beautiful! I just want to ask: what do you want in your life??? You answer - well, an apartment, a car... Oh? And listen to yourself - did at least one nerve move when you talk about this? What to do? The answer lies in your childhood. Go there and remember - who did you imagine yourself to be in your most daring and enthusiastic games? The details may not accurately reflect the child’s consciousness, but the state is exactly that. And if not as a sea captain, then maybe as a travel agent, or accompanying groups, or just a cook on a ship? You can find now what is closer to you and within your power. And if you don’t find it, it’s not a problem at all. The left hemisphere can’t handle it, so let’s entrust the work to the right hemisphere. It doesn’t matter what kind of artist you are - take felt-tip pens or colored crayons and draw a picture called “my happy life.” Don’t come up with a plot, don’t worry about how they’ll rate it. Just write the title and let yourself go. Let your hands do what they want, even if it has no form or plot. They will draw essentially. And you just remain in the state of rapturous happiness that happened in childhood. And now that your picture is ready, this is your guide. I’ll write what to do with it at the end. So, in addition, or contrary to all the textbooks and video tutorials on the realization of desires, I declare: when striving for money, you can imagine in your mind not only specific things (services, objects) that can come into your life with their help, but also states related to money. Frankly, sometimes it’s surprising how a modern person manages without visualization, since it’s the same as a hundred years ago without the ability to read and write. After all, what is visualization? - almost the same channel for accelerated transmission of information, directed moreover. It will be more clear to compare it with the ability to use a computer and find the necessary information on the Internet. With the help of visualization, you, using yourself, find the reality you need in all the variety of lines of development of probability, and aim specifically at it. You aim your life towards it. And with daily meditation for 15 minutes, you “correct” the guidebook, since thoughts, statements of people and your own impressions/