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Our whole life consists of relationships. AND MUTUAL is the key point here. But often people, wittingly or unwittingly, distort the harmony of relationships. There are people who seek to manipulate us and thereby, in essence, save their resources at the expense of ours. They pull the strings of our desires and fears. And we do not always know how to resist them - we agree and follow their lead, thinking that by doing so we will improve our relations, not realizing that it is impossible to earn love, friendship and respect through our reliability. Quite the contrary, trying to buy the favor of another, people become dependent and humiliated. Respect and friendship cannot be bought - on the contrary, insincerity and fears destroy them. If you do something without a sincere desire, but only out of fear or desires to earn or not lose friendship, you are acting dishonestly towards your partner. After all, true friendship is built on trust and honesty. Every time you say “YES” out of fear, you drive a wedge into the relationship and distance yourself from your desires and your life. Help is valuable if it is provided with soul and with all the heart. By giving such help, we also give the person the energy of love and care, which enriches both. And the forced provision of help envelops another in the black energy of resentment, dissatisfaction, anger and destroys both the receiver and the giver. You remember - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. For someone who is used to always agreeing, it is very difficult at first to change their behavior, if only because those around us are already accustomed to us, and they have certain expectations towards us. But time after time it will become easier and easier to do this. And soon everyone will get used to the new you. You need to learn to refuse calmly and without emotions - not to stand up, not to be offended or angry. It is worth understanding that both your consent and your refusal are your right and in no case an obligation. Only you are the master of yourself, your actions, your feelings and your thoughts. If you want to explain the reason for the refusal, you can do so, but just don’t make excuses - this opens up the possibility of manipulation. In any case, be calm and friendly. Remember that you are the captain of your ship and you decide where it goes. Living in harmony with yourself requires the gift of disagreement.