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Recently I was given author's copies of a book that I wrote to order. This is a story about the holy elder Zosima Ennatskaya, who lived in Bashkiria. When you read, and even more so write about such people, then, voluntarily or involuntarily, you tune into their “wave”, as if, due to your capabilities, you become familiar with the holiness and purity of such ascetics. That’s why recently In a conversation with a colleague, we came to the following conclusion: when you feel tired or have a loss of strength, it’s good to read about the lives of saints, about ascetics. Or you can just re-read the book that you yourself were working on. Yesterday I did just that. this book - and re-tuned to a positive working mood. After all, the example of the lives of such people inspires and gives strength. I will share with you some details of the story about Mother Zosima. Maybe something in it will resonate with you and fill you with spiritual joy. Since ancient times in Rus'. loved and revered the saints. From ancient times, they prayed for their country and the people who live in it. But what’s interesting is that the saints were the same people as everyone else, they also experienced the same feelings as everyone else. other. And they, too, could have had their own childhood traumas, as we will say now. However, they had their own way of overcoming these traumas. After all, the main thing for them was not the organization of their lives, but sincere help to people and serving the highest good. We all know what jealousy, envy, mental pain are, how difficult it is when everything in life does not work out the way we want. I think almost everyone is familiar with the state when it seems that everything is over and God does not love us. Mother Zosima, like other saints, knew, or rather, comprehended this on her path full of adversity - everything that fate sends can be turned back on us benefit. They believed that all the difficulties and troubles that happen to us in life are tests, after passing which we can become kinder, more compassionate, more merciful and happier. This was also the Venerable Mother Zosima. She lived at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries in the lands of Ufa and Orenburg. Therefore, she is called the saint of two regions at once - Bashkiria and Orenburg. Mother Zosima was born in 1820 and died in 1935. She lived 115 years and until the end of her days she retained good spirits and clear thinking! While little is known about her, I really hope that the book will give more people the opportunity to learn about the saint. My grandfather is from Bashkiria, and I was especially pleased to learn and write about the saint. Now I’m making plans to go to her relics and stay in the places where she lived. Her parents were peasants, ran a farm, worked in the garden, kept cattle... And their daughter grew up modest and hardworking. And when the time came, she was married off. However, her husband went to fight in the Russian-Turkish War, and was soon killed. And her only son died hunting. Such a misfortune could break anyone, but not a young widow. She gathered her strength and went to the Intercession-Ennatsky Monastery to become a nun and devote her life to helping other people. This is how she spent her days, helping people in various troubles and misfortunes. She helped with advice on how to avoid grief and organize life, she prayed, and people recovered from physical and mental ailments, she could see the meaning of this or that test that came across a person’s path, she consoled with love and compassion. It happened that they brought domestic animals to her - cows, horses, which in those days were the breadwinners for the whole family. And Mother Zosima walked to Jerusalem several times! By that time she was already a small, dry old woman, but in terms of willpower and physical strength she was not inferior to the young people. How she was able to walk more than four thousand kilometers on foot alone is unimaginable! And the whole journey took about a year! I can tell you a lot about this amazing woman, but for now I’ll stop. I also really like the illustrations for the artist’s book. They are so bright, kind, as if they were glowing. These were the women... Instead of losing heart and considering themselves a victim of circumstances and fate, they devoted their lives to serving people. And in this they found their happiness. And most importantly - 2024