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From the author: published on Who are happy people? Are these people who smile a lot? Or rich people? Or maybe these are people with large families? The answer is not so clear. But one thing is for sure: every person wants to be happy, regardless of his gender, age and religion. In order to move towards happiness, you must first find out what it is. This presents an even greater difficulty. Is happiness a goal, a state or a process? Or could it be that happy people are already born under a lucky star? Let's try to figure it all out and separate the wheat from the chaff. What is happiness? This is an eternal question, the same as “what is the meaning of life?” And the greatest minds of mankind have been trying to find the answer to it for a long time. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus believed that the key to happiness lies in obtaining maximum pleasure from life. Another equally famous Greek philosopher, Diogenes, on the contrary, believed that true happiness is possible only under the condition of an ascetic lifestyle, because in this way you do not become attached to material wealth and are truly free. But not only philosophers noted in the search for an answer to this question. Some psychologists believe that a state of happiness is achieved by a person when his needs are satisfied. According to the theory of the famous psychologist Abraham Maslow, a person has lower needs (for food, water, sleep, comfort and safety) and higher ones (for love, respect, beauty and knowledge, as well as self-realization). He believed that lower needs should be satisfied first, then higher ones. Maslow considered the basis for happiness to be self-realization in creativity: according to his definition, happy people are self-actualizing people. First steps to happiness All these scientific concepts are very interesting, but most women are concerned with a specific question: “how to be happy?” They will be offered short and ready-to-implement advice: Do not focus your attention on the bad in your life. Bad things happen and they are inevitable. However, happy people simply experience negative events and try to focus on the good ones. Notice what good things you have done. This advice is a continuation of the first, because if you celebrate all the good things, then they will constantly be in your mind, and you simply won’t have time to think about the bad things. Be kinder to other people. It's difficult, but it's a fact. Evil people rate their level of happiness much lower than good people. It is not necessary to humbly endure every time you are offended - this is wrong and even harmful. Just try to do something good, for example, do charity work. Appreciate true friends and do not put off communicating with them until later. This “later” may not come, and you will lose a lot. It is no coincidence that most people associate happiness with a group of smiling people. Work. Many people think that happy people sit at home and do nothing. Well, or at least they don't work. This is wrong. In fact, just a couple of months in this state - and you will be darker than a cloud due to all-consuming boredom and melancholy. Work tones a person, allows him to realize himself and is a source of livelihood. The main thing is that she is loved, well paid and does not turn you into a cornered horse. Be creative. Not every job, even one you love, leaves room for creativity. Happy people are creative people, so try to use a creative approach in various areas of life - for example, prepare a funny breakfast for your child. I would also like to dwell on relationships with men. Any woman dreams of finding an ideal life partner, and only then does she become truly happy. Therefore, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to find out the secret of female happiness, it is necessary to answer the question: “how to make a man happy?” A happy man is a proud man. Praise your partner and highlight his strengths.