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The secret of wealth is deferred consumption. In order to become financially independent, it is enough to be able to save a fixed amount of money. After which money will make money. As a result, you will be able to quit your job just for the sake of money. Why is it so difficult to save money and become rich? It seems that you just need to start earning more and you will be happy. My observations show that as income increases, Parkinson’s second law inevitably comes into force: “Expenditures increase with income.” A person begins to earn more, but at the same time manages to spend, for example, 110% of his income. And instead of ensuring financial independence, debt increases (!!!). Paradox. What to do? Use the stalking technique according to Carlos Castaneda. Track yourself! Understand your thoughts and emotions. Observe your behavior, including regarding money. I have a rule: spend less than I earn. For me, this is a prerequisite for financial stability. But even with this approach, my family expenses scare me. They grow with some inevitability, incorporating more and more new expenses into their field. The philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote that it is not we who choose things, but they choose us. Something in the window catches my eye. I can afford to buy it and I do. Satisfaction doesn't last long. After the purchase, the feeling of guilt about spending money automatically turns on. After a while, the impulse of desire flares up again, I am drawn to a new object. Using stalking, I observe this process and, step by step, purchase after purchase, I purify this impulse of desire. My goal is to highlight the desire to purchase in its purest form. The experience of psychedelic research, for example, Dan Carpenter shows that emotions and desires exist on their own (!!!). I have a suspicion that mega-brands charge the fields around their products so that they draw people into them. So, why am I writing all this? Until this impulse of desire is realized and cleared of the shell of things, it will pursue a person, extracting all the money and credit from him. Notice that things lure you, just as a fisherman lures a fish with a worm. Look around, literally, and notice how many things already (!!!) surround you. You will discover whole series of items! For example, I have about a dozen backpacks. And after all, every thing promised that same feeling, but why do things appear in your house again and again? Why do you buy them? Because the impulse has arisen and continues to arise. If you clear it of the objective component, then you will be able to see what you really want? As a result, it will be possible to close the hole through which finances are leaking. If suddenly you are unable to save, then start examining your behavior. This is the key. Watch yourself!!! Analyze your desires and you will see them in their pure form.