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I learned about this bill relatively recently and am trying to notify my colleagues. Moreover, it will soon be discussed within the framework of the 3rd St. Petersburg Congress of Psychotherapists, Practical Psychologists and Consulting Psychologists. I have already asked questions about the “round table” and now I am waiting for an answer. In the meantime...Actually, the bill itself can be found at the link http://services.ht-line.ru/infolane/index.php?act=board&topic=1354530313X8150#top_67 (between the window with the text of the message and the comments “download the draft law 28.11.doc") Having read and delved into it, I noted the following for myself (comments on individual articles and subparagraphs, my thoughts are highlighted in red italics, as are individual words in the text of the bill that raise doubts): COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Chapter 1. General provisions. Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law...The standard of psychological assistance is a document that establishes requirements for the type, volume, timing and quality of psychological assistance. (how?) The quality of psychological assistance is a set of characteristics that reflect the timeliness of providing psychological assistance, the correct choice (how?) of methods of providing psychological assistance, the degree of achievement of the planned result.... Article 5. State policy in the field of psychological assistance8) implementation of state control and supervision in the field of psychological assistance; (Which state body will regulate?) Article 6. Basic principles of activities in providing psychological assistance 8) inadmissibility of refusal to provide psychological assistance; (It is necessary to take into account a) the difference in approaches, worldview, ability to communicate between a given client and a specific psychotherapist; b) what is meant by a request for (emergency) psychological assistance?; Article 8. Voluntary nature of receiving psychological assistance The recipient of psychological assistance independently chooses the person providing psychological assistance, a specialist psychologist, the type of psychological assistance and the form of its provision, and cannot be forced to receive it by the decision of any organizations or third parties. The recipient psychological assistance has the right to refuse to receive psychological assistance at any stage of its provision. A) How can a recipient of psychological assistance understand what type of psychotherapy or psychological assistance can help him? B) About the clause “cannot be forced to receive it by decision of any organizations or third parties” may have to be regretted. For example, for minor offenses. However, caution and a carefully written point are required for this. Article 14. Inadmissibility of refusal of psychological assistance1. Refusal to provide free psychological assistance in cases provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as charging a fee for its provision, are not allowed. 2. Emergency psychological assistance is provided to a citizen immediately and free of charge. Refusal to provide it is not allowed.3. For violation of the requirements provided for in parts 1 and 2 of this article, persons providing psychological assistance and psychologists are responsible in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If free psychological assistance means state psychological services (insurance cases, contacting a specialist for request via the helpline), then OK. If there is any request, then it is at least strange. It is necessary to make sure that the cases “provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” are reasonable. On point 2... In my opinion, this is an attempt to equate it with medical activity (and, in principle, not a bad one). How and what constitutes an emergency? Listed below or some ephemeral ones? Article 15.