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Our reality has changed a lot over the past 20 years. Life is speeding up, information is pouring at us from all sides. There is a real struggle for people's attention. The inability to control the speed of incoming information leads to the fact that we become less sensitive to it. As soon as the information is received, it will immediately be replaced by another. Receiving ever larger volumes of information, we stop catching specific details, generalize or completely forget what we saw/read. Our attention has become very fast and superficial. We watch a video on YouTube at speed 1.5 or 2, if a video on Instagram* or Tik Tok does not capture our attention from the first second, it will immediately be brushed away and replaced by another, just as quickly and superficially we evaluate and “swipe” people on Tinder. These are our realities to which we have to adapt. We have become lazy to waste time on long videos, long texts, we want the pictures to quickly replace one another so that the meaning is on the surface. With the development of technology and the Internet, we are faced with the problem of personality change. People are trying to escape from the real world into the virtual one. A person who is very keen on watching some content sometimes does not even hear what is being said to him. You've probably encountered this situation yourself: you're immersed in your smartphone and don't notice anything or anyone around you. The Internet is capable of capturing a person entirely, sometimes leaving him neither time nor energy for other activities. During meetings, we often pick up the phone and scroll through the feed. Not having a phone nearby causes discomfort. Many people feel anxious if they are not in touch and do not check their feed for a while. So why do we spend so much time on the Internet? The Internet and social networks allow us to quickly get pleasure, satisfy our need for novelty, and there is always something happening on social networks. The Internet is accessible, consuming content is easy, and it's getting easier all the time. Reading a book, meeting with friends, going to the theater are much more expensive activities. And the pleasure of the Internet is quick and requires a minimum of effort and time. There is another important aspect - social approval. Society in cyberspace sets trends and dictates to us what we need to be like in order to get likes and comments, and we wait for them with anticipation and follow the “instructions.” Many people live “automatically”: they scroll through the feed without delving into it, they have forgotten how to have fun without their phone, they have become lazy. For some, social networks have replaced their whole life. How many actually single people are hidden behind the profile photo is anyone's guess. You might think that this is all from the evil one, but the Internet and social networks are already part of our lives, and it is worth adapting to them in order to receive resources, and not waste them there. In general, the question is “what to do?” today is very complex and there is no clear answer to it. There is no method on how to limit and protect children from Internet addiction, or how to consume less yourself. If you surf the Internet a lot, try to evaluate the quality of your leisure time, your unfulfilled needs, your ability to create novelty in life, your ability to communicate with people, and the difficulties associated with this. You can limit your time online and strictly filter the content you consume. Do you have 500 chats with notifications turned off and thousands of unread messages? Maybe you don't need them. Proper use of the Internet includes the ability to identify what is really important and necessary from a huge amount of information. “First we shape technologies, and then they shape us” - not my words, and they were said a long time ago, but are still very relevant.* Instagram belongs to the Meta company, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.