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RESEARCH OF SUBJECTIVE SATISFACTION OF PATIENTS UNDER COMPULSORY TREATMENT IN A GENERAL PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL T.N. Kishka City Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 named after. P.P. Kashchenko St. Petersburg Relevance of the study: assessing the quality of psychiatric care for patients undergoing compulsory treatment is still an insufficiently studied problem (Kotov V.P., 1996). Since one of the components of the quality of care is the subjective satisfaction of patients with treatment, it is important to identify relationships with those variables that, if necessary, medical, psychological and social services have the opportunity to influence. Psychopathological disorders can be treated with medication, psychological symptoms can be corrected by individual or group work, the level of social well-being and support can be improved using psychosocial tools, the level of self-stigmatization can be reduced with the help of psychoeducation and other psychological and sociocultural interventions (Kotov V.P. , 1996; Maltseva M.M., Dmitriev A.S., Kornilov A.P., Bulygina V.G., 1996; Babin S.M., 2012, etc.) Purpose of the study: to study the role of expressed These psychopathological symptoms, the level of self-stigma, the richness of life with meaning and social support in the formation of high subjective satisfaction with therapy in patients with schizophrenia who are in inpatient compulsory treatment - within the framework of the biopsychosocial approach. Research objectives: 1. Diagnosis of the psychological indicator of subjective satisfaction with treatment. 2. Assessment of patient satisfaction with the psychotherapy provided to them. 3. Assessment of patient satisfaction with social support and life. 4. Assessing the severity of self-stigma indicators in relation to the severity of psychopathological symptoms and the fullness of life with meaning. Materials and research methods. 29 people took part in the study: 24 men and 5 women. Of these, 6 people are aged from 18 to 30 years, 10 people are aged from 31 to 40 years, the rest are older. Most of the patients were diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder – 18 people. The diagnosis of a mental disorder was made 3–10 years before the examination; patients were on compulsory treatment in the department from 1 to 3 years. 5 people were subject to compulsory treatment again. According to the content of the socially dangerous act, the sample was approximately equally divided into those who committed a crime against a person and those who committed a property crime. In the overwhelming majority, the mechanism of committing a crime is negative-personal. The following methods were used: 1. Method for assessing the subjective satisfaction of mentally ill patients with treatment in a psychiatric hospital (Lutova N.B., Bortsov A.V., Vid V.D.). 2. Questionnaire SCL 90 on the severity of psychopathological symptoms. 3. Self-stigma questionnaire (Mikhailova I.I.). 4. Test of life-meaning orientations - SZhO (Leontyev D.A.). 5. Social support questionnaire F-SOZU-22 (Sommer G., Fydrich T.) adapted by A.B. Kholmogorova (2006). 6. Bielefeld Customer Experience Questionnaire (D. Hoger). 7. Methodology for self-report quality of life interRAI. 8. Statistical methods: nonparametric correlation analysis of data using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, comparative analysis using nonparametric methods for comparing two independent samples, Mann-Whitney U test, nonparametric method for comparing two dependent samples, T-test Wilcoxon. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the first consisted of 11 people who were just starting active psychosocial rehabilitation; the second consisted of patients who had undergone psychoeducation, motivational training, TCSN, anger management training,.