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How often do we experience discomfort in a new situation, need outside support, don’t know what to do, or even want to disappear. Oddly enough, this is a completely common situation for most people, but not everyone is ready to admit it openly. What are the reasons for this very uncertainty: of course, in our dependence on the opinions of others. It is important to us what people around us think about us, what they say and how they treat us. Of course, this is a completely justified feeling and quite necessary in the context of socialization, but, as they say, “everything is good in moderation!” In order to get rid of the self-doubt that bothers us, we need to stop being a dependent person. You need to learn to find that middle ground that will allow you to be independent, but not vulgar or provocative. It is impossible to please everyone, and it is not necessary - this is a utopia. But! You need to be able to make an impression. You need to be able to correctly express your thoughts and feelings so that people do not have a feeling of uncertainty and understatement around you. It's not easy, but it's quite possible. To feel more confident, you must be: - literate and intellectually developed (read more: what is interesting to you, what you don’t know, but would like to know); - friendly-minded; - professional in your field (have a good understanding of what you are engaged); - communicative-adaptive (be a good conversationalist, be able to listen and correctly convey your thoughts); - know your weak points and constantly work on them (whether it be appearance, knowledge or skills). These seemingly simple rules are extremely difficult to follow, so if you feel that in some way you need to improve your skills and abilities, come to us. And most importantly, remember, even if someone thinks something about you, this It will not affect the processes of the universe or the universal existence, your life will move on and tomorrow everything will be forgotten. Look at everything more positively! 22marins.ru