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From the author: A child often comes to my classes, who, having only slightly felt the refusal, immediately falls to the floor and begins to make heart-rending sounds. What difficulties and consequences may parents who find it difficult to say “NO” encounter in kindergarten? How does permissiveness on the part of parents affect a child attending kindergarten? In my opinion, this topic is very interesting; in practice, I have more than once met children who found it difficult to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten, despite the fact that they had been attending it for several years. Let's try to expand on this topic in a little more detail. How does parental permissiveness affect a child attending kindergarten? Children who are allowed to do everything, who are not used to facing restrictions on their desires, will sooner or later still have to face them. The longer this process drags on, the more stressful it will be for the child. For parents at home, their son or daughter is the best. In kindergarten, this child is one of 30 pupils. In kindergarten there is a regime, general rules, concepts and norms. In order to make the child’s life easier, parents should try to adopt some of the rules and regulations of the kindergarten. One of them, for example, is the daily routine or at least bedtime. What difficulties may arise if permissiveness at home collides with the rules and regulations of the kindergarten?1. Due to the difference in approaches to the child, the child may lose the desire to attend kindergarten.2. The child will experience constant stress (he may become more withdrawn or aggressive).3. It will be difficult for the child to learn to communicate with peers and with adults. Children clearly see the attitude of parents towards the teacher and if the parents are disrespectful towards the teacher, then there is no need to expect respect from the child.4. With such an attitude, the teacher, in turn, also finds it difficult to build relationships with both parents and the child. In this case, the teacher may unknowingly devote less time to such a child. But the child spends the “lion’s” share of time in kindergarten.5. If parents undermine the authority of the kindergarten and teacher with their rules and allow their children to behave permissively, then they will not have to expect respect for themselves either, since respect is built on the ability to respect the boundaries of another person and treat them with care. This is not a complete list of the disadvantages of permissiveness and not only in relation to kindergarten standards. In my opinion, this style of parenting takes children away from the real state of things in the world. In reality, the child will not have the opportunity to do what he wants. In adult relationships, this parenting style can lead to tyranny between adult partners (such as spouses). If parents want their child to be successful and recognized in adulthood, then permissiveness in childhood will have the exact opposite effect, since such children often do not know how to build relationships with peers, and this pattern of behavior is carried into adulthood. Question : what price will a child pay who does not know the word “no” and lives in permissiveness??