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From the author: How to effectively use knowledge of psychology when opening and growing a company? In this article you can find out. Where to start? Start from the beginning. Set a goal! Yes, why do you need all this? In any business you need a goal, otherwise you will go with the flow, and where it will take you, only God knows. I definitely ask future realtors, job applicants who come to a real estate agency to get a job, what did you come for? The answers vary, some say - I like helping people. Yes, it’s great to help people, but what will you live on? There are other answers. But I will write later about what questions I ask, and who should be hired in a real estate agency, and who should be feared, but for now let me continue about the GOAL. Previously, on the gate of our Tula Artillery School it was written “Our goal is communism,” now the school has become an institute, and the inscription was removed, they probably hit the target, although there were glorious times, but that’s not what I’m talking about. So, the GOAL must be specific, measurable, achievable, agreed upon and time-bound. You need to set yourself, for example, a year after my real estate agency starts working, I will earn a million rubles! It is important to indicate the currency! Why such little things are needed, more on that a little later. Choosing a partner. And this is also important. When opening a successful real estate agency, you must have experience as a realtor, or invite a successful realtor for this. I can describe how you can start a real estate business without an office and without initial investments, having only experience, but we are not going to have a small income, we after all, we are playing big! You can also buy an existing real estate agency, I periodically see such information on the Internet, here’s another one recently: For sale with an office, with employees, with a website, profitable and only 350,000 rubles, the owner has no desire to do this anymore. This proposal has its positive and negative aspects. Positive - you reduce the time of searching for an office, personnel and site promotion, and many other points. And the negative are the location of the same office, the qualifications of realtors, and most importantly, the reputation of the agency. Who knows what image this real estate agency has, what is the history of customer service? And so on. So, you have a goal, experience as a realtor, or you have a partner who is ready to help you with this, and you have decided not to buy a ready-made real estate agency, what next? Size and space matter. Rent yourself an office. In my opinion, the location of the real estate agency matters, namely: - the office should be located in a place where there are ant trails, i.e. places where people pass to shops, from public transport stops, home, to work, near markets, offices, shopping centers, where there is a lot of traffic of people - potential clients. - this is necessarily a separate building or office on the ground floor. It is also necessary to have enough parking spaces for cars, the ability to place the logo and name of the real estate agency on the facade of the building. A prerequisite will be the ability to place advertisements for the sale of real estate on the office windows, facing outward, so that it can be seen by people passing by the office. Advertisements must contain photographs of real estate objects describing the characteristics and advantages of the property being sold, but without indicating the cost. It is recommended to place the price of real estate in such advertisements only in certain cases, which I will describe below. Subsequently, it would be nice to place letters of gratitude on the office windows with photos of your clients against the background of sold apartments and houses to whom you will provide high-quality real estate services. I saw similar real estate agencies on the island. Cyprus, during one of my working trips, the same ones already exist in other places and, according to my observations, already in Russia. The above methods of office design areadditional advertising space for which you do not have to pay, an opportunity for future clients to find out what you are selling and to sell the client a desire to come to your office. The area of ​​a real estate agency should be able to accommodate a sufficient number of realtors working in various areas of real estate services, such such as: rental of apartments, commercial real estate, new buildings, secondary housing, foreign real estate, and separate premises for: legal department, meeting room, director's office, and utility room. As you name the ship, so it will sail. From the film about Captain Wrangel. Title. Real estate agency "????". So, the name should be short, succinct, and memorable, and should not be repeated in a series of real estate agencies in a city or even a country, or even the entire globe, and the name should correspond to the local flavor, for example, some modern names of real estate agencies that have opened franchises on the territory of Russia, it is difficult for an ordinary Russian citizen to pronounce. It all depends on your goals. Perhaps you want to create a real estate agency and then conquer the world by selling your name and successful method of work (franchise - under a franchising agreement). It would be good to patent the name of the agency, otherwise you will then defend your right to the name in court when the agency becomes successful, and it will definitely be successful if you follow my advice! So, now there is the best office in the city, there is a wonderful name, and who should work? Personnel decides everything! I.V. Stalin. The staff are realtors who will work in a real estate agency and will make a profit. Your task is to attract the best, or those who can subsequently be trained and made the best. Beware of losers, otherwise you will constantly hear about what didn’t work out and how. Take positive people to your agency, they will quickly lead you to success! Number of realtors. The Pareto rule also applies in this case, i.e. 20% of employees will bring 80% of the profit, and vice versa, 80% of employees will bring 20% ​​of the profit. So, there are more good and different employees. So who are they - your future realtors? They can be women or men, of any age, and preferably with a personal car. I repeat, positive and honest. These can be realtors, both with and without experience. In some situations, it is better not to hire an employee with experience. Why? Yes, because sometimes it is easier to teach someone from scratch than to retrain someone who is already established, with their own views on the rules of customer service and the sale of real estate services. I am pleased to remember my experience working at the Coca Cola company, this company is a source of personnel , for many successful sales managers in the city of Tula, and I still use the personnel selection rules that are followed there. So, a question from the Coca-Cola company: Is the glass half full or half empty? It will help to easily determine whether an optimist or a pessimist is the one who answers it. Who are you? I know the glass is always half full for you! Just like for me! Where and how to get clients? If you hire employees with work experience, everything is clear, they will bring clients with them, but will this be enough, and what kind of clients will they be? And will it be possible to make a profit from them? Here's a question. For those who have just started their activities in offering real estate services, and indeed services, because it is a service, the following advice is to look for clients yourself, how to do it? There is only one piece of advice. Contact other realtors who are willing to share commissions and sell their properties. Tip two. Study newspapers and magazines, Internet sources where property owners place advertisements and competently offer them real estate services. Tip three. You need to post your offer on social networks, on the Internet, on real estate forums, and wait for an appeal. Tip four. Notify all your friends and acquaintances that you are engaged in real estate services and in caseneed, they can contact you. Well, one more thing, although there are many more methods for promoting real estate services, go to clients yourself, make presentations and/or triple consultation points in places where there is a lot of people traffic, these are city parks on weekends, these are shopping centers on weekends and in the evening, and there to consult and invite you to the office, that’s right. Now the client has become very spoiled, and many clients are already adherents of a certain real estate agency or realtor, you are faced with the task of luring and changing preferences so that the clients become yours. And I’m sure you will do it! Hard to learn, easy to fight! Training. It is very important to prepare realtors and give them the tools to attract clients. There is a lot of literature for self-study, buy it, find it on the Internet and read it. I recommend using information from practitioners, and that this information be up-to-date, because... the situation is constantly changing, but still the best option would be to invite an experienced business coach and undergo training on the art of sales, attracting clients and making a profit in the real estate business. In a well-functioning mechanism, everything works for one goal. For the successful and harmonious work of your real estate agency it is necessary to develop clear criteria for organizing the agency’s activities, such as: organizing duties at a real estate agency, organizing a reporting system. Set plans for departments and specifically for each realtor, plans for attracting clients and concluding contracts, plans for sales and making a profit. This is very important! Advertising is the engine of trade. Advertising of real estate services is a whole range of activities. Of course, you can spend a huge budget and not attract enough customers. And it is possible, which is important in a crisis, to inform potential clients with minimal investment. How? Newspapers. Advertise the properties you are selling in regional media - this will attract potential buyers. Advertising the agency itself and its services with a separate banner no longer brings in the same number of clients as before. More than 10 years ago, when it was enough to place a media banner and the client would pour in - now the situation has changed. On average, there are more than 300 official real estate agencies in the city of Tula, and in other cities where I have been on business trips and conducted trainings, the situation is similar. Advertisements offering services become simply unnoticed among many similar ones, which may differ only in color and design. Internet. Create a company website and start promoting it. Of course, it is necessary to post properties on free Internet bulletin boards, real estate forums, special Internet sites about real estate and on social networks. All this is free, the only thing is that it takes some time. Based on the results of the work for the quarter of our real estate agency, the vast majority of clients who contacted us learned about the offer via the Internet. Mailing: The topic of the Internet is spam or offers of services for the sale of real estate by sending letters, a separate topic that also takes place, and when correct implementation will bear fruit, i.e. clients. Paper advertisements. A very effective and targeted tool that, in addition to offering a property for sale, allows you to attract potential real estate sellers. How to place an ad. The ad should be yellow - it attracts the eye. Many Western companies, and now some Russian ones, are using this technology. On the ad you must place the name of the real estate agency, logo, photo of the realtor selling the property, characteristics of the property and telephone number for making an appointment for viewing, you must also indicate the time and date of showing the property, because this is convenient for the realtor and, of course, for the owners of the property that the realtor is selling .Letters Ordinary letters to the mailbox, with an offer of services, for the sale of real estate, and with announcements about objects for sale andnews on the real estate market, but this can be an expensive advertising campaign, as well as publishing and distributing your newspaper. Office work Receiving phone calls. The purpose of the phone call is to sell the meeting. The client cannot transfer money over the phone, and the realtor does not have the opportunity to exert all the influence on the client. It has been proven that in human communication, body language accounts for 55% of the persuasive power, voice characteristics - 38%, and words - 7%, i.e. e. a realtor cannot have a full impact on the client, it will be easier to do this during a meeting. When communicating on the phone, it is necessary to determine the leading representative system (The way we mentally encode information using sensory systems: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory), and predictive words (What we assert about the subject of conversation; words based on sensations, indicating a certain representative system), which the client uses and, based on this, competently sell the meeting. A realtor needs to take a telemarketing course and use the capabilities of NLP to successfully sell a meeting , this will be taught in trainings and can be found in the literature. Before you pick up the phone, turn on the good mood resource. Wait for 2-3 calls and only then pick up the phone. Put down the newspapers, remove the chewing gum from your mouth, and stop drinking coffee. I recommend not immediately answering the client’s usually prepared question – How much is this property? Because immediately after this the client will hang up. Of course, in large real estate agencies there is a secretary who receives incoming calls and distributes calls, after which the call is transferred to the appropriate department. But we are just getting started, and you will have a secretary who will receive guests at the entrance to the office in a year, or maybe earlier, when the real estate agency gets stronger and there are enough employees to pay for his work. In the meantime, we will take our own a piece of the real estate pie with little effort, and there is always a piece and not a small one, believe me. Call several real estate agencies in your city, and you will understand that in almost no conversation you will be satisfied with how they communicate with you, and only with rare exceptions will you have a pleasant conversation and the desire to go to a meeting with a realtor. An example of a telephone conversation. A situation when a client calls to find out the price of a property for sale, which he learned about from an advertisement, and at the same time he needs to first find out the price of his property that he will sell. That is. situation of a classic exchange. Realtor: Good afternoon, Vershina Real Estate Agency, realtor on duty Sevidov. Rule for telephone communication: Duty answer, but how much is in it! And a positive “Good afternoon!” and the designation where the client called and his position and last name. Client: Good afternoon, please tell me how much the apartment on the street costs. Lenin? Almost every city has Lenin Street?! Realtor: Yes, of course I will answer, Tell me, please, how can I contact you? Client: Zinaida Semyonovna Rule: Will join the client in manner of speech, intonation, speed, breathing. No less Address the client by name 5 times during a conversation. Of course, if the client has a strong accent or he stutters, then there is no need to repeat this. Realtor: Zinaida Semyonovna, my name is Roman Dmitrievich. Rule: If the client called himself by his name and patronymic and you call yourself by your First Name and Patronymic, if by your First Name, then call yourself by your First Name. And address the client exactly as he called himself! Realtor: Zinaida Semyonovna, why do you want to buy an apartment on the street. Lenin?Rule: A successful realtor works not with square meters, but with the needs of the client. Identify needs! Also remember that people think in pictures, i.e. when communicating, structure your speech correctly, because it depends on what images will be in the client’s imagination! Client: I want to buy this apartment for my daughter, so that she can live there with her husband, she is getting married, and the groom’s parents and I decidedgive them a nice gift. Realtor: Good wish Zinaida Semyonovna, a wedding is an important event in the life of every person, and at the same time your daughter and her husband live in this apartment, isn’t that so? Rule: The one who asks the questions leads the conversation. Client: Yes! Realtor: Do you think that if all decision makers were present when discussing the purchase of an apartment, the apartment would better meet the necessary requirements for them? Rule: Use elements of Adjustment for the future (The process of mental realization (rehearsal) of an event before it occurs. One of the main processes that ensures the sustainability of the result, often used and a key component in most NLP interventions) - when discussing the purchase of an apartment, he says that this discussion has already been a fait accompli, like itself taken for granted. Client: I think so! Rule: Plato also noted that the more a person says yes, i.e. agrees at the beginning of the conversation, and the realtor leads him to this with skillful questions, the easier it will be for him to subsequently say to your proposal - yes! Realtor: Zinaida Semyonovna, will you make a purchase in cash or will you need to obtain a loan. Client: We We will sell the apartment and we have part of the money in cash and part of it we will probably take on credit. How much will my 4-room apartment in which I currently live cost? Realtor: In order to calculate the market price, I need to go to your apartment and make an assessment. Is this convenient for you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Client: Why? leave, estimate this way, I called several real estate agencies and they told me the price. This ranges from 2,800,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. Realtor: Zinaida Semenovna, there are factors that influence both the price reduction and the increase, this is why I need to inspect your apartment, my assessment service is free, it’s convenient for you , that I would do this tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Rule: You give the client a choice of meeting time, and these options will suit you in any case. You also know that nothing is free, you are simply selling an assessment service supposedly for free, the client will pay for it later. Your task is to sell the meeting.Client: TomorrowRealtor: In the morning or afternoon?Client: I think in the morning, it will be convenient.Realtor: Zinaida Semyonovna, I write it down in my diary, tomorrow at 11 I will come to you to evaluate the apartment at the address,,, ,, and we will agree on the sale of your apartment and the purchase of an apartment for your daughter. Client: Okay, agreed, Roman Dmitrievich. Realtor: Please write down my mobile phone number, if anything changes, call me back in an hour, i.e. To. My day is planned, I am a very popular realtor. Thank you for your call, Zinaida Semyonovna, see you! Client: See you! Rule: The one who called hangs up first, wait until the client hangs up first, then hang up yourself. The meeting is sold! Congratulations! Lots of rules? Yes! These are the components of a successful real estate service, which is why I am writing this article for you, so that you can become better and more successful. What to do next, and then prepare for a meeting in an apartment, where the goal will be different, this is to sell the service. Meeting in an apartment . Preparation. It is necessary to arrive on time for the meeting, in my opinion this is understandable. Appearance: They are greeted by their clothes, escorted by their intelligence. (Russian proverb) A realtor is a businessman. Therefore, a man must wear a suit at work - a mandatory requirement; for women - business clothes. Sometimes I meet realtors in casual clothes, which, in my opinion, is not correct. After all, everyone already understands that - If you want to earn a million, look like that million! Your client will be pleased to communicate with a person who looks businesslike. It is also possible that the Client made several more calls to other real estate agencies and invited more realtors for an assessment. Your task is to be the best so that the client chooses you. Not only appearance is important, but also the ability to negotiate, master the technique of joining, identifying needs, determining types of clients, andof course the ability to persuade. I teach all these skills in my trainings; after the training, novice realtors and realtors who have significant experience become even more successful. Also, a realtor must have with him: An advertising catalog with information about the company, copies of customer gratitude, certificates and certificates. Tape measure Compass Camera Shoe covers Blank sheet of paper Pen, pencil So, you came to the apartment, took off your outerwear, put on shoe covers, greeted those present (it is important that everyone who makes the decision to sell is present at this meeting), introduced yourself, thanked them for that you were invited and went to inspect the property. Having first asked permission from the owners to take photographs, begin the inspection. Take pictures of the main elements of the property that can distinguish it from others, it is advisable that the owners and personal items such as photographs of residents, shoes and clothes on a hanger in the hallway, drying laundry on the balcony, etc. are not included in the lens. Also, if the property is sold without furniture, it is advisable that it is not in the photo. Make a schematic plan of the property on paper; you will need this later when selling, because each property differs from each other in layout. When doing this, use a tape measure, involve the owners in this process, let them hold the edge of the tape measure, and after finishing drawing the plan, use a compass to plot the cardinal directions. During the inspection and after, before leaving, if you have not found out all the necessary information, ask questions Namely: Who is the owner? Based on what documents he owns? How long has he been in possession? What was the motive for the purchase? What did he like when this property was purchased? What did he not like? For what reason are you selling, for what? Find out what need the client wants to solve by completing a transaction, also find out how motivated the client is to complete this transaction. Important! When the client answers, watch and listen to how he does it, what predictive words he uses, how during a conversation and where his pupils move, how he gestures. You will be able to determine what type he belongs to - auditory, visual, kinesthetic, the information received will help you subsequently effectively sell a meeting in the office. Having received the necessary information, determining the type of client, and it is also important if there are several owners - determine the opinion of which of these is the most important for the entire group. It may also be that someone outside will be present during the inspection, determine what influence he can have on the decision, and act! Invite the client to come to the office so that the client receives your professional assessment of the property. Also, at a meeting in the office, you will offer him properties that can subsequently be inspected by him (if this is an exchange), but not before a buyer for this property has been identified, and there you will discuss all other details of cooperation. It sounds something like this: - Zinaida Semyonovna, I have found out all the necessary data to calculate the market price of the object, I suggest you come to the office, where I will tell you the price of the object, and I will also offer you objects that may subsequently be suitable for you to buy. Is it convenient for you - tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Write down the date and time in your diary and leave after saying goodbye. In my practice, many realtors, after inspecting the property, immediately name the price, but in vain! The client, having found out the price by phone or when contacting a real estate agency or when inspecting an apartment, as a rule, agrees to cooperate with the realtor who told him a large amount. The client will then understand that the price may be too high compared to the market price. Well, you will lose your Client! I’ll tell you one little secret in real estate activities. There is no such thing as a market price. But there is something in between the price for which there are offers of similar apartments at the moment!