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The beauty of a healthy personality Once I was asked a question why people are fixated on themselves and do not see at all what is happening in the world around them, I said that they are not healthy in the full sense of the word, and live in a lack of love. A huge number of people do not know what internal health is, but it is directly related to the external appearance of a beautiful person, beautiful, as they said in ancient Greece. Shining eyes, radiant smile, laughing face. A body that breathes energy. I searched for a long time for a definition of health and finally found it. Four conditions when a person is internally healthy Osho, the famous philosopher, one of the great people of the last century, defined a healthy person as a person with a healthy consciousness: “To have a healthy consciousness means: firstly, to awaken , secondly, to be harmonious, thirdly, to be ecstatic, fourthly, to be compassionate...” If these four conditions are met, then the person is internally healthy. So what does this mean? 1. Awaken, become a conscious person. You get up in front of the mirror in the morning and realize that you are here in a world where your very manifestation is a wonderful gift. You don’t waste your life on things that don’t benefit your development. The personality knows what he wants. Such a person is always motivated, one goal follows another, he strives and moves forward, realizing that this life is unique and there will be no other like it. A healthy person “does not sleep” and does not go with the flow. He is aware of every moment of existence. This awareness begins with the questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning of life?"2. Be in ecstasy. A healthy person rejoices, joy is the natural state of a person, he is on ecstasy, delighted with life, with the very process of living being. He tries to see the positive aspects in everything, he is optimistic. Even if sadness happens, he understands that it will pass, he does not waste his life playing the role of a victim. It is too expensive, it is better to find a way to play the role of a creator, a winner. 3. A healthy person is in harmony with himself. He loves himself and accepts, accepts his body, his soul, his character traits that others may not like. He doesn't judge himself. He understands that his existence in the world is valuable, it is magnificent and he is not a cog in mezanism, he is a consciousness that can receive various experiences on earth. He takes time for himself and allows himself to live for himself without judging himself for being happy. A healthy person does not fight with himself. He allows life to blossom and himself to take time to admire the falling leaves and feel the breath of the wind.4. A healthy personality is compassionate. When you are filled with happiness and are ready to share it, an aspect of life for others is realized, not because this is the norm and duty, but because everything is already in your world and you begin to see that not everyone has it, that many are simply not aware of the world, and therefore they do not live, in the full sense of the word. There is no need to be a philanthropist, to feel sorry for others if you are experiencing an internal conflict, everything is fine with everyone, even if we don’t see the reasons. A healthy person understands that we are all one and wants to change lives, help people realize something, thereby making their contribution to the world. What does a healthy person look like? He shines, he is not bothered by the extra pounds, he accepts himself and soon everything that he once didn’t like disappears. He thinks about his beautiful body and is glad that it is healthy; he sees that everything around him lights up with optimism and fun when he appears in a noisy company. He's happy to be himself. This is a source of beauty deeper than what is offered on screens, it is a source of success and joy. This is what happened to me, and the whole world shone with different, bright colors, and the house was filled with joy and laughter. And you are no longer alone, there are many people around you to whom you can give a piece of your beauty. And the whole world supports you and you are grateful. It is happiness to live in harmony with yourself. Practical psychologist, personal growth coach Anna Timoshkina8 904 373 32 29