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I remind you: in the article “What image and style of behavior of a girl repels men” posted on the site, we talked about the fact that it is difficult for a girl to be in a relationship with a man if her image and style of behavior are ( from a male point of view, of course) are clearly anti-sexual. It would seem that after this it’s time to encourage all ladies to be sexy, but there is one big “but”. The thing is that everyday and psychological practice show: Excessive female sexuality is just as sexually repulsive (and even frightening) for men as excessive antisexuality. Of course, you can immediately object to me: “Say, dear Andrei Viktorovich, but let me! What kind of Tat rejection and what phobias can such a modern sex bomb cause in a normal man: a long-legged blonde (or a burning brunette) with a height of one meter seventy or more, with large breasts, an athletic figure, a thin waist, expensively and brightly dressed (of course, very short and with large cutouts), with silicone lips, cheekbones, eyelash extensions, hair and nails, laughing loudly and beautifully, not afraid to drink alcohol and look provocatively into men’s eyes... Yes, all men will fall at the feet of such a “beauty” in stacks! Isn’t that so?!” I won’t argue with that. Indeed, the type of modern, deliberately sexy woman described above will actually appeal to the vast majority of men. This is actually true! However, there are three very serious problems (precisely the same ones that cause male sexual phobias). Yes, such problems that they should immediately spoil the appetite of those ladies who, fighting for male attention, strive to look deliberately sexy, stand out sharply with their artificial tan in the middle of winter, wear trendy and indecently expensive clothes, attract attention with exclusive haircuts and colors hair, show off their tattoos and piercings, an abundance of jewelry and costume jewelry, contempt for others... That's what we'll talk about in this chapter. Three problems of deliberately sexy ladies during love-sexual communication with men: Problem No. 1. Most men, paying attention to bright and deliberately sexy ladies, are in fact very afraid of them and expect all sorts of troubles from them. Ladies should know that, wanting to shock everyone with their deliberate sexuality in the spirit of Marilyn Monroe or Sharon Stone, they will provoke Most men (especially those who still don’t know them well or don’t know them at all) have one of the following five thoughts: Five options for men’s thoughts when they see a very spectacular and deliberately sexy woman: Option No. 1. Somewhere nearby there is a cool competitor. Men firmly believe that behind every very impressive-looking girl or woman (especially those with a good car) there is always a very rich man: a husband, a lover, in the end, just a father. Accordingly, when looking at such a girl or woman, decent middle-class men only lick their lips and refrain from making any attempts to get acquainted, rightly fearing possible conflicts with the one who is the real owner of this super doll. Since few people want to get hit with a baseball bat, and the super bright girl doesn’t say that she’s single at the moment, many average men are simply afraid of such beauties. That’s why they don’t get acquainted with them, and if they do get acquainted, they are not at all eager to fight and do not strive to win the heart of such a “sexy”... Option No. 2. A girl from high society. Ordinary men can assume that a pronounced sex bomb passing by them either works in a large oligarchic structure, bank or company (as an assistant, secretary, organizer of leisure time for rich uncles and aunts), or does not know what work is at all , and is the same child from a very rich family who, quite by chance, went out into the street to look at the people. Naturally, any communication with a representative of the highest circle for mere mortals is completelyordered. Trying to break through this wall of proud arrogance of those who have been lucky in life is simply pointless. Therefore, wiping away the flowing drool of desire, men turn away in fear and look at those girls who seem to them closer to the people... Option No. 3. A kept girl whom a man may not be able to feed at the proper level and she will go to someone else. Many men believe that the vast majority of very attractive girls and women are professional kept women and live only by scamming rich men out of money, and all their life wanders from one rich Pinocchio to another. Of course, this look only causes irritation, anger, and sometimes even some contempt from the surrounding men. Admiring the one who seems to have stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine, simpler men are convinced that such an ultra-sexy beauty is beyond their means, and some of them begin to hate her with almost class hatred. Option No. 4. A girl wants to meet a “cool guy.” Men may assume that this girl or woman lives in an average or even poor family, but does not want to live the way her parents live. Therefore, she strives with all her might to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of those wealthy men who will help her most cherished dream come true: never to work again, but to devote the rest of her days exclusively to self-care and touring various countries of the world... Option No. 5 . A deliberately sexy lady is always capricious and scandalous. This is where the Hollywood stereotype comes into play. Knowing from gangster action films that deliberately sexy ladies, spoiled by money and male attention, are almost always capricious and scandalous, prone to throwing tantrums and publicly breaking dishes right in the restaurant, having quarreled, they are capable of demonstratively moving to the men at the next table or fluttering into any passing Mercedes , the most cautious men shy away from ladies in miniskirts and large necklines, like hell, for one reason: they don’t want any trouble for themselves! All these thoughts are not the author’s fantasy, but wander through the convolutions of very real men. Including those very ones on whose attention those ladies who decide to play “super sexy” are counting. And therefore literally every girl and woman needs to know them. Let's move on. If the presence of problem No. 1 prevents men from meeting and starting to communicate with apparently very sexy ladies, then problem No. 2 is even more unpleasant: it prevents them from creating long-term serious relationships. Problem No. 2. By creating love relationships with those ladies who emphasize deliberate sexuality, men prepare themselves in advance for the fact that these relationships will be short. There are several reasons for this conviction. Thanks to films and television series, the sad experiences of their friends and public opinion, many men are firmly convinced that: - All outwardly very sexy ladies themselves are inclined to constantly seek contacts with more and more successful and rich men. - All outwardly very sexy ladies, because of their desire to arouse everyone’s admiration, will definitely attract the attention of such “super cool” men, the fight against which is not included in the plans of a normal average man, even when they do not do anything special and just go out into the world...— For a temporary deterioration material and financial situation of their friend, all outwardly very sexy ladies always react first with increased nervousness and irritability, and then simply abandon the one who has become a loser. And since no normal man is sure that he will always be rich and successful, and life is such a swing that either throws you up or brings you down, it means that leaving a super-sexy girlfriend is just a matter of time!—Everything is deliberately sexy ladies demand a lot of attention and incessant sex. And since ordinary men are always busy with work, and their sexual energy does not allow them to withstand sex marathons for manymonths and years in a row, which means that they are in advance and obviously INABLE TO SATISFY the wishes and requests of their girlfriends. And since they cannot do this, it means that they should not count on their long-term fidelity and affection... - Since deliberately sexy ladies are always busy with their appearance, they are worthless mothers and extremely bad housewives. Etc. and so on. Due to the presence of all these partly real and partly mythical circumstances. The majority of those men who are friends with emphatically sexy ladies prepare themselves in advance for the fact that these relationships will be short, limited to bathhouses, clubs, barbecues and sex and will not lead to family education. Whether women like it or not, all this is the harsh truth of life. The majority of men actually think and set themselves up in exactly this way. As a result, owning one or another super-sexy beauty is for them an exclusively short-term period of life. They are completely calm about the sex bombs that periodically occur on their path in life, like a red challenge banner that is awarded to the most successful, remains with them for several months or years, and then goes to someone else. At the same time, many of those who nevertheless create a two-three-five-year relationship with some little big sex star are well aware that during this time they will have time to get used to their girlfriend, and therefore the subsequent separation will be for them very painful. However, they philosophically believe that you have to pay for everything, and the best consolation for someone from whom a super sexy beauty will one day leave is the realization that someone else will get her in a somewhat faded form (the years go by)... In general, respected ladies should understand: Wanting to please all men without exception, women who want to rely on their stunning ostentatious sexuality doom themselves in advance exclusively to the role of mistresses and a constant change of partners until, due to the age factor, they begin to look worse and, accordingly, not will feel an urgent need to stay with some man forever. Moreover, this last man is almost always not the best option of all she has met on her life’s path... However, you should not be upset about this! After all, many girls and women choose this option for their life path quite consciously! So, having considered problem No. 2, which prevents deliberately sexy ladies from creating serious love relationships and dooms them to the role of eternal lovers, it’s time to finish the review and point out problem No. 3. Problem No. 3 . Men are afraid of sex with deliberately sexy women because they are afraid of appearing sexually incompetent. This problem is more than understandable. Seeing a very bright and sexy lady, a man first licks his lips at her, then realizes that he is probably not the only one licking his lips at her in this city, then admits that the most “cool” of those who licked their lips at this lady even before him, probably have already gotten to her and taught her to have good sex, then he critically evaluates himself and sadly assumes that the classic option “once and on the side” or “smoke and try again in an hour”, which he can offer her, is unlikely to suit her... In the end, the man either passes by altogether (literally devouring the lady with his eyes, but at the same time not daring to come up and get acquainted), or he still gets acquainted, but delays the start of sexual relations for a very long time, as if deciding to himself that he will first win the lady over as a person and a little later this will allow her to be more calm about the fact that this man... alas, is not at all a kind of sexual Tarzan! In general, you understand: Men are sexual average, if dream of ladies with a high level of sexual training, then, in any case, not by Hollywood standards. Simply put, the presence of a lady nearby is absolutely “super sexy”, and often causes men not only to feelsexual arousal, but at the same time a feeling of some kind of sexual inadequacy. And this leads to phobias, phobias and more phobias...And the last thing. Concluding the conversation about the various problems of deliberately sexy ladies in loving-sexual communication with men, I would like those readers who consider themselves to be in this category of women to think about this: Having chosen for themselves the role of deliberately sexual, girls and women in advance program their marriage to have a large number of quarrels! And this is due to the fact that, deciding to create a family with deliberately sexy ladies, in the future (already within the family) men behave as follows: - They always imagine female infidelities and therefore they very suspicious, extremely jealous and constantly scold their wives and torment them with empty (and sometimes not very!) nagging over trifles. - They prohibit their overly sexy wives from freely moving around the city, visiting girlfriends, going out to clubs and cafes. - They require such increased sexual attention, which many deliberately sexy ladies in real family practice are simply not capable of (after all, external sexuality does not always correspond to real activity in bed!). - With any deterioration in their own financial situation, husbands begin to panic and almost in every quarrel they begin to reproach their wife for the fact that while he had more money, she endured everything, but now, you see, she has begun to show her character... Of course, all this irritates the wives extremely and they actually begin to argue and bicker for any reason. And this adds even more fuel to the fire, convinces the man that by marrying such a sex bomb, he made a tragic mistake, and... leads to more and more quarrels, right up to divorce. And so on, so on, so on. Because the realization of that The fact that women always pay for those cockroaches that are firmly established in the heads of men, women themselves are usually very little happy, sooner or later this brings the situation to an extreme degree of aggravation and families are destroyed. And again, deliberately sexy women do not receive that quiet family happiness that many of them so sincerely dream of. And their men (now husbands) continue and continue to struggle with now new sexual phobias - now the phobia of fear of becoming a cuckold... However, enough of stating and whining. It's time to draw conclusions and move on to practical recommendations. Conclusions: As you can now see, outwardly overly sexual (and often very expensive) female behavior immediately awakens at least a dozen different male sexual phobias. Including those that in our common Register of Male Sexual Phobias are listed as: - Phobia No. 1. A man’s phobia is the fear of becoming a victim of such an indecent girl who deftly plays the role of a decent one and, in the end, after the laughter of her sexual predecessors, receive such a tangible blow to his male pride, after which he will immediately have to leave... (I call it differently: male fear of finding out THIS about your friend!).—Phobia No. 7. A male phobia of fear of being in bed with a lady who is an erotically incompetent sexual log and, accordingly, of disappointing her (and it doesn’t matter why this might happen: because of one’s own age, fatigue, low temperament or the lady’s own sexual retardation!)—Phobia No. eleven. A man’s phobia is the fear of losing his male prestige if his girlfriend (with whom he already has sex) starts dating a more successful man.—Phobia No. 12. A man’s phobia is the fear of being a sponsor even at that age (from 20 to 50 years), when women are still quite capable of giving men their sexual favors completely free of charge... - Phobia No. 13. Male phobia of financial self-doubt, which arises due to the fact that a man admits that he is not financially able to sustain a relationship with an expensive woman, a man’s fear of not being able to keep such an overly large fish near him, which is also accustomed to luxury,and to male attention... - Phobia No. 14. Male phobia is generally the fear of sexual competition, the fear of the possible loss of a girlfriend with whom you already have a sexual relationship, an acute reluctance to suffer due to jealousy of other men... - Phobia No. 18. A male phobia is the fear of losing a relationship due to the fact that either the man in question will not be accepted by the girl’s family, or she will not be welcomed by his own family (Romeo and Juliet syndrome). Well, is that impressive? Hope so. Then we move on to the actual conclusions. Conclusion No. 1. The model of deliberately sexy women (sex bombs) was created by men exclusively for their own use and does not provide ladies with simple female happiness. Yes, yes! As we have already seen, this is exactly the case! The sex bomb type was artificially created by men as a stimulant of their own success and is a kind of analogue of the six hundredth Mercedes: this car is too expensive for practical use, but everyone would like to become its owner! Accordingly, all those women who, in addition to an excellent figure, also have their own mind (and not a silicon one!) should not rush to turn into a fetish toy, it is undesirable to work as a challenge red banner proudly waving over the expensive foreign car of this or that successful man. Moreover, do not rush to queue for silicone and Botex, do not make an appointment with plastic surgeons to turn into a sex transformer. The naturalness of a slender and well-groomed woman is always valued more than liters of silicone pumped into the body. Hence, she is always more in demand for serious relationships. Conclusion No. 2. The desire to play by male rules and stereotypes and take on the role of a sex bomb almost always turns against girls and women. Those girls and women who, trying to copy the appearance of supermodels, at the same time dream of meeting a completely ordinary young man on their life path, should be aware of the following: - they are largely hostages of the formed male opinion on this issue, and it falls on them not quite a decent shadow of those ladies whom men consider kept women; - if they want to get acquainted with an average man who wants to create a strong family, this is almost unrealistic! In the case of average men, super-bright ladies will rather scare away and push them away from them than attract them .Ordinary men will simply be afraid that they will not be able to support such ladies at the proper level, and also be afraid of competition with stronger and “cooler” males; Super-bright girls will always attract the attention of not only really rich men (every such man already there is a wife and mistresses!), but above all all kinds of gigolos, swindlers, outright playmakers and bandits. In an effort to look their best, overly showy girls and women most often doom themselves not at all to increased male attention and well-deserved public recognition, but to even more greater loneliness and a variety of unpleasant situations associated with gigolos, rich married men, swindlers and criminals clinging to them. The majority of men, looking at spectacular ladies with sparkling eyes, are actually very afraid of them... Ordinary men usually prefer ordinary girls and women. Perhaps this is a little sad, but this is the case... These are our conclusions. However, let's get by don't panic! The effect of the proverb “Forewarned is forearmed” has not yet been canceled. And therefore, to all those ladies who are accustomed to being wildly popular with men, but at the same time cannot meet someone who will be ready to become her reliable companion, not for a month or two, but for the rest of her life, as well as those girls and women who is just about to become a thunderstorm (and in fact just a sex toy) for men, nothing prevents you from adjusting and restructuring your behavior in time in such a way as to preserve your sexuality and finally gain peace of mind. And about this in our practical recommendations. Practical recommendations First.Replace extra brightness with individuality! Dear ladies! I recommend remembering: in the wild, it is super-bright color that is a signal of danger! Bright fly agarics, “ladybugs” and many others shout to others with their colors: “Don’t touch me! I'm not tasty! And those same wildflowers that best attract bees (by the way, they attract them specifically for pollination!) are simply bright, and not at all super bright. Simply put: Ordinary men love fashionable girls and women precisely because, being bright, they, nevertheless, completely dissolve in the bright and multi-colored crowd of their own kind. Pink - in pink, green - in green, yellow - in yellow, red - in red. And all this is no longer so scary... In general, trying to be bright, you should be a little like everyone else! When dressing a fashionable uniform that is generally accepted for everyone in a given season, but so common to everyone, it is best to concentrate only on some separate detail of your own “I”: hairstyle, eyeliner, unusual hair clip, extravagant handbag or original jewelry, a unique case for mobile phone or your own finishing of the most ordinary jeans with embroidery or rhinestones. Then you are guaranteed to attract someone's attention and you will definitely be appreciated! And at the same time they will not be afraid or despised. Men rarely say: “Girl, you are simply a miracle!” They always pay attention to one thing and start with some targeted compliment: “Girl, you have such interesting boots...”, “Girl, this watch looks amazing on your graceful hand,” “Girl, the color of your lips will bring make anyone crazy...", "Girl, how were you able to find such an unusual handbag in our provincial town?" etc. Dear ladies! If you want to get acquainted, do not scare men with your perfection! Remember: Super brightness is not individuality at all! Super bright girls are just as similar to each other as those whom they consider too ordinary and “gray necks”. Super bright girls are lost against the background of their own kind. Thus, from the point of view of establishing love acquaintances and relationships, excessive brightness does not give its owners any special advantages. And instead of flashy luxury and over-brightness, I advise you to simply give men the opportunity to cling to that feature of your appearance, which will give them a long-awaited reason for both of you to come within complimentary distance and say something to you. Ordinary girls receive compliments even more often than bright ones. They do. them at least simply because men are not afraid to approach them! Keep all this in mind! Second. Match the social environment to which you are oriented. Dear ladies! The most honest, long-lasting and promising love relationships always arise between partners belonging to the same social, property and cultural group of the population. Therefore, before going out to those public places where there is a high probability of your meeting in love, try to clearly answer the question of what social stratum your future chosen one should come from. If you expect to improve your social and property position precisely through love relationships and marriage, you can get out of your skin and dress beyond your means. However, you must be prepared for the fact that, in addition to decent guys, fashionable partygoers, rich married people and criminals looking for mistresses will actively begin to flock to you. Moreover, there will be much more of the latter than the former... A super-bright girl scares away average men just like a shark scares away other small fish. She hopes to attract men to her, but only attracts their attention. The men cast admiring glances, but are afraid to approach. Therefore, most often the shark girl continues to swim alone... Loneliness in addition to bright girls is a common and completely natural phenomenon. Men are smarter than moths: they are afraid to fly into the fire... If you want to achieve success in life due to your education and business skills, you count on a love relationship and creating a family with someone who is close to you in every waysocial indicators, I advise you not to strain yourself and not try to seem like someone you are not. Believe me: the one who appreciates you will appreciate you exactly as you really are. Anyone who looks at you from below or from above, from lower or higher social strata, will evaluate you from their own point of view. And, most likely, their point of view will not coincide with your own self-esteem... Alas! Third. Don't overdo it with tanning in winter! Many girls are firmly convinced that tanned skin attracts men. This is the correct opinion. However, it should be remembered that many men are real conservatives and therefore believe that a tan optimally complements the image of girls only in summer and autumn. And the most conservative men generally think the following about winter tanning: Versions of conservative men about winter tanning: - The girl has the means to vacation abroad and is clearly very rich (this can be clearly seen by how expensively she is dressed). Accordingly, getting to know her is simply pointless: the goose is not a friend to the pig... - The girl does not have the means to vacation abroad and was vacationing at the expense of a rich lover (if the girl is not very well dressed and she does not have a wedding ring on her finger). - The girl has no money for holidays abroad and therefore the tan is clearly of artificial origin. All this is done so that special attention will be paid to her (preferably richer men). Since the girl clearly strives to get from rags to riches, this girl should be considered unreliable and classified as easy prey for wealthy hunters for light erotic adventures. An ordinary man has no way with her. — The girl is trying to hide her age (many men think that tanning is typical only for women 30-45 years old who want to look younger). — The girl has problem skin or some kind of skin diseases that are treated as just sunbathing. As you can see, many of these points are not very conducive to dating with serious goals... Since the author knows very well that men will get used to the fact that in the era of horizontal and vertical solariums, a winter tan is quite a normal thing, it’s best not to waste time explaining what has long become commonplace in more developed countries. It’s best to get a tan in the summer so that the pleasant memories and erotic white stripes on your thighs and buttocks last for a good six months... Fourth. Become bright only after you have already created a stable love relationship. If a girl is so used to being bright that she does not think of herself in more neutral tones, I recommend that she ask herself: “Am I ready to meet and create successful love relationships this time?” sexual relations are no longer with just another married man or “cool” man, but with a promising unmarried man - to become a more average girl for a few months? Or is it not?!” If the desire to be the subject of discussion and condemnation is stronger than the desire to create a serious relationship, this is also a position. For a big ship, a long voyage! However, if the end still justifies the means, and the girl comes to terms with the fact that for the sake of a successful acquaintance she will have to be like everyone else for some time, let her not be sad: there is no need to throw away bright tights, miniskirts, tank tops and transparent blouses! You just need to put them on a little later - after the love acquaintance has already taken place. If your new friend is a real jealous person, he will allow you to wear all this when you go out in public together. And at this time he will be sincerely proud of you and very afraid of losing you! After all, you are so beautiful!!! Of course, analyzing those male phobias that are associated with their communication with extremely bright and deliberately sexy girls and women, the author understands perfectly well that the desire of women to look exactly this way is unlikely to diminish. However, I am not asking everyone to immediately become gray (after all, who will please the eye of the author himself as a man?!). I just highly recommend: After getting acquainted with):+7-902-990-5168, +7-913-520 -001, +7-926-633-5200