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Have you ever wondered why a bad mood affects your well-being? And when there is no mood, everything falls out of hand. Someone will definitely push you or slander you on the street, in transport. Have you ever wondered why everything is so unfair? It's as if the whole world has turned against you. What to do? First, let's talk about how critical negative emotions are in general. 1. Everyone has a bad mood, as well as anger, resentment, and irritation. You are not alone. Every person has dark streaks in life, not the best days. And sometimes you really want to cry and suffer. The question here is: how long are you going to stay in this depressed mood? An hour, two, a day or a week? Ask yourself: do I really like this state? Am I really comfortable living like this? 2. But no responsibility. You will be surprised, but this state has its advantages. Firstly, it is very simple to be offended by everyone, to feel sorry for your unfortunate fate, to blame your failures on circumstances and other people. Secondly, you can lie on the couch all day long and do nothing (we are suffering), not strive for anything, watch TV series, your favorite TV shows. The main thing is that there is always an excuse: “I’m suffering,” “I feel bad.” And here a vicious circle is possible - a negative reaction to an event - a bad mood - a long experience of these emotions - loss from life - a negative reaction to any event. The only way out one is to find your benefits. Ask yourself, how does this situation benefit me? What really bothers me and what I don't want to see (do) in reality. Be an optimist. We have noticed that a positive or negative attitude affects the outcome of any situation. Success depends on the mood with which you take on this or that business. Therefore, let's tune in to the positive. Surely everyone knows a lucky person who succeeds. Have you ever wondered why? - Lucky? Fate's darling? Just lucky? This is what a pessimist thinks. An optimist will say - that means everything will work out for me! So don’t put it off and start right now. Find a quiet place, lie down or sit so that you are comfortable, relax your body, calm your breathing. Listen to your thoughts. Don't react to them, just let them follow each other freely, remain a detached observer. Pay attention to them and the sensations they cause in you. Five minutes will be enough for you to understand what your general mood is: are you upset, irritated, have apathy towards everything that is happening, maybe you are experiencing anger, aggression or resentment? You may find yourself experiencing multiple emotions at once. Either way, don't be alarmed. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you experience such emotions. Now try to understand whether you are comfortable in this state? If yes, then you should not continue to explore your emotions further. If you feel that being in this mood brings you even more negative emotions. Continue to work on yourself and you will definitely return to the “bright side” of life! We’ll talk about how to do this in the next article..