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When you feel that you have accumulated stress, it is better to let off steam without harming yourself and others. Negative emotions are natural reactions of our psyche, the same as positive ones, only signaling to us that our boundaries are being violated, needs are not being met, etc... At the peak of emotional stress, we are controlled by emotions and until we take control of consciousness into our own hands, it will only get worse for us. How to do this? There are many methods, since all people are different, then everyone has their own method, it is important to find and apply it. Let's look at the most popular ones: -Name the reason: Any emotion is preceded by the thought that caused it, realizing and voicing it, you deprive the emotion of its power and can control it. Accept this emotion and choose the most environmentally friendly way to express it. - Sports: The most popular and effective method of dealing with stress. You can choose any one that suits you best: running, fitness, weightlifting, boxing. Dancing can also help you release energy. - Actions with paper and pen: You can crumple, throw, or tear a piece of paper. You can draw anything by projecting your emotions into the drawing. Drawing circles or lines with sharp corners by pressing firmly on the pen often helps. The most useful thing would be to express your emotions in text, write a letter to your offender, and then burn or tear the leaf.-Scream: If there is such an opportunity, then you can go into the forest and have a good shout at the fir trees, birches or pines, the main thing is to shout loudly, without limiting yourself and thinking about the problem situation. In the city you can sing your heart out at karaoke.-Substitution: We cannot vividly experience two different emotions at the same time. Find a way to make yourself laugh, watch funny videos or a movie, try to approach the situation with humor. Show compassion and provide help to those who need it, by helping others you will help yourself, this is a very effective way to get out of stress. - Mathematics: Switching your attention to mathematical exercises will help, this will greatly load the brain and distract from strong emotions. You can remember the multiplication table, count from 100 to 1, or solve more complex problems. - Breathing: If you urgently need to calm down, breathing techniques help very well. Switch all your attention to your breathing, feel the movement of air in your body, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation, do several such cycles. Square breathing: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, repeat from the beginning.-Distraction: You can clean the workplace or do any other task that requires your full attention. Whatever method of expressing emotions you choose, analyze the situation at the end, because all emotions signal something to us and if we do not understand their reasons, they will be repeated. If you yourself cannot find which weak point was affected, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Images are taken from open sources on the Internet Good luck in mastering these techniques! Consultation with a psychologist and even more articles on psychology in my VK group: https://vk.com /psyhofon and in Zen: https://dzen.ru/psyhofon