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It is impossible to find purpose. The key word is "find". Purpose is already embedded in you, what is called the basic configuration, at the birth of your Soul. Think about it, PRE-destination, i.e. before its purpose, before its implementation. Purpose can be felt, revealed, given space to be and manifest. And this is a lifelong Path. To get closer to discovering your purpose, you need to answer just two questions: “Who am I?” and "Why me?" Because purpose is the maximum REALIZATION of your gifts and talents for the benefit of yourself, others and the world! If we translate this into simpler and everyday language, it means that you know what you are good at, what you do best, you show it to the world and feel the demand for what you offer, because what you do is in demand, it provides benefit and value to other people. They are ready to pay money for it. An important concept that goes closely with purpose is vocation. If you look at the dictionary of synonyms, you will see that next to the word purpose there are the words happiness, destiny and mission. And next to calling are career, gift and service. Another important concept is Recognition that you are recognized as important and valuable, that your talent is in demand and is worth a lot. There is such an alluring aura around the topic of destiny, supposedly once you have found your destiny, you can never work a day again. Everything will be easy and enjoyable. And most importantly - in abundance. In reality, everything is different. Purpose and calling are about serving your talent, invested in you by the Creator. Think about it, the surgeon, about whom they say that his hands are from God, how easily and idlely does he spend his day? Do you understand? Standing on his feet all day long, he performs complex operations and this is what is happening in his present. How much time has he spent learning, and how much time has he spent constantly refining and improving his knowledge and skill? There is a 10,000 hour rule: no matter what the field, to achieve a level of mastery commensurate with the status of a world-class expert , requires 10,000 hours of practice. Connecting with your Purpose and Vocation is influenced by two large internal themes: I am and I am in contact with my feelings. I can and I do. A person who is looking for Purpose is deeply unhappy because he cannot understand what he really likes, he doesn’t know what he really wants. Or when he says: I’ve already tried everything, but nothing attracts me. He cannot answer the question: who am I, what am I? The main problem in the search for Destination is a colossal gap between a person and his feelings and sensations. The reasons are always deep in the past: Overprotective, critical or anxious parents. In such conditions, a child absorbs programs from childhood: the world is unsafe, the world is not interested in me, I’m bad, I can’t do anything, I can’t make mistakes, etc. Failed separation from parents (and no matter how old you are at the moment - 20 or 50). A biologically adult person emotionally still remains a child - he expects support, mentoring, certainty and unambiguity, guarantees and, of course, love and recognition. A ban on feelings of joy, pleasure, enjoyment and a good life in general. This kind of prohibition is formed either in childhood based on the model of the parents (for example, my mother worked hard all my life 24/7, and that means I also do not have the right to a pleasant and happy life) or as a result of a traumatic experience in my own past. Life by inertia, because that this was accepted in society. For example, get married at 18, give birth at 21, and then work-home-home-vacation twice a year. A woman’s main fulfillment was her home and children. And this was considered normal. It was not necessary to feel. The first thing the Movement towards contact with your Destination begins with is learning to feel, feel and only then understand yourself. In fact, a person seeking purpose lives not with feelings, but with his head. Fromhead he is trying to find the answer. Astrology or numerology can provide good ground for the mind in search of an answer. But if you don’t know how to distinguish between your feelings, then knowing that yours is medicine or design will not give you anything. This is the same as shooting trees with a gun, hoping for a successful hunt. In practice, such searches lead to a state of deep frustration, apathy, emotional burnout, and depression. It is also important to understand that a person who endlessly searches for his destiny actually excludes himself from real life in present moment, here and now. This is also called deferred life syndrome or unlived life syndrome. Such a person waits for a wonderful time to come, far away, in which everything will be different. And he constantly looks either to the past (nostalgic or, on the contrary, depreciates) or to the future, but does not live in the present, does not feel joy, happiness, pleasure. Purpose is always connected with being alive and open - to feel, rejoice, experience emotions, interact with other people, present yourself to this world. The path to contact with your purpose consists of small steps and begins with learning to feel yourself and your desires. Every day, start making small choices - do you want coffee in the morning or tea, and what kind of coffee or tea. Not automatically and by inertia, but sincerely feeling with every cell of your body what you want. So every day you will move from the small to the Big and at some point you will definitely be able to distinguish what you want, what you love, what pleases you and gives you joy. Be in the experiment with yourself, with interest, excitement and passion. The next big step is to do it. When you don’t clearly know what you want, it is important to allow yourself to try different things, make mistakes, not achieve results, not be a perfectionist, but simply do and feel - whether you like it or not, whether it resonates inside or not. It is important to understand that you will not do business right away for a million or you won’t immediately receive a storm of applause and recognition. Conventionally, you won’t go on stage and act right away like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. And here you will most need the skills of self-support, self-confidence and self-care. You need to give recognition, acceptance and love, first of all, to yourself, then the path of small steps will be an interesting adventure, and not a battle for survival or a situation where the stake is greater than life. Then you can Do not from a state of need, but out of love. Look at your case as if it were your first pregnancy or first child. Love with all your might and learn new things day after day. In business there is a good concept of MVP - minimum viable product. When you don't have a clear answer to what you want, an MVP is your everything. Look on Google to see what it is and the principles behind it. Try different products, test, experiment. When I worked in a product team, we had several MVPs per month, and for each of them up to 10 hypotheses in testing. This is how companies work when they create and introduce new products to the market. Of all the hypotheses and MVPs, 1-2 will ultimately pass the test of life. And this is a completely normal practice. Also in the matter of Destination - different talents are invested in you, but what aspect will you reveal, how will you “land” it in life, in the Business - there are a huge number of options. The way is to try and measure the result - how much it responds to you, how much it is in demand, how much it brings a feeling of satisfaction and joy. Psychotherapy in working with the topic of Purpose helps in three directions: Learn to feel yourself, your desires. Come out of the cocoon and present yourself to the world. Free yourself from the fear of being seen. Often this is accompanied by fear of envy, publicity, criticism, fear that you will be rejected or turned away from you. Low self-esteem, uncertainty, impostor syndrome are also here. Determine the areas in which your maximum potential lies, and steps to achieve the Goal. Tools with which I work with the topic of Purpose: Psychoanalysis to identify deep blocks, +7 933 99 33 556.