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The story of one divorce. When young people get divorced, it’s more or less clear that they didn’t get along in character and were in a hurry, but when people who have been married for 20 years get divorced, it’s difficult to talk about the dissimilarity of characters - over such years the character can be learned to the smallest detail, remade or adapted to him. And yet, people get divorced. Why? Where do husbands go? Sergei once again did not close the tube with toothpaste. Having discovered this, Natasha created such a scandal, remembering the socks that had been carelessly thrown yesterday, that Sergei was afraid for her health. At the end of the hysteria, she broke the vase. Sergei grabbed his jacket, slammed the door and left for work. The mood was ruined, and important negotiations with suppliers lay ahead. By the end of the day, Natasha calmed down and was ready to forgive her husband. But by nightfall, my husband did not return home, and the phone did not answer. None of my friends knew where he was. Sergei came home only three days later and announced from the door that he had come to get his things and was filing for divorce. Natasha began to cry, but he strictly said that he would not change the decision, he would pay for the children’s education and the costs of their upkeep. In vain Natasha called him; he did not answer the phone. Sergei left forever. It’s just like that, after one quarrel, husbands with twenty years of experience in family life do not leave. Every woman should know this. Men either leave for another woman, or run away from their wife’s nagging, which has already become unbearable. If a man is comfortable and calm at home and can relax after a hard day, a persistent habit arises, a strong dependence, and even if the feelings for his wife have passed, the habit will overcome the desire to leave, and the man will remain in the family. If at home he hears constant reproaches, his cup of patience may overflow at any moment. And, as a rule, housewives who devote their entire lives to their family are abandoned. Natasha was proud of the fact that she was an excellent housewife. The apartment sparkles with cleanliness, every thing knows its place. When her husband came home from work and did not hang his things in the closet, Natasha considered this a sign of disrespect for her work and immediately began to reprimand him. She was outraged by the shoes thrown at the doorstep, the mug left on the table and the kitchen towel not hanging in its usual place. And this is what happened in the end. “I devoted myself entirely to my family and this is my gratitude.” What happens in a man’s soul? He was not offended by Natasha, he simply saved himself from the need to return to where he was uncomfortable. A man who leaves under such circumstances feels free, rejuvenated, as if at the beginning of a new life. And, most likely, he will not return home, because his wife is unlikely to change. He eats semi-finished products and is glad that no one will nag him for not putting things away and copes with everyday issues without problems, fortunately technology has come a long way, and he is able to press a button. And what about Natasha now? There is no need to shed tears and beg to come back. He made his choice and not in your favor. It is now important to maintain friendly relations with your husband and then, perhaps, he will come to visit you, but as the father of your children and just a friend, and will also help financially, you are not working yet and could have lost your qualifications over the years. But this is not now, you need to calm down. At this point, you need to do the following: Think about why you need a husband. To put your life back into pieces? Most often, a housewife feels confused: what will I live on? Quite natural excitement. Therefore, one of the questions is getting a job. Remember what kind of education you have, involve your friends and acquaintances, if necessary, go to short-term courses. You have a month to do everything about everything. Think about the positive aspects of your husband leaving you. Now you don't have to spend so much time at the stove. You will be able to meet with your friends more often, unless of course you abandoned them in pursuit of cleanliness. You will soon discover that you have a lot of free time and you can devote it to yourself. Become soft, affectionate. Drop your husband's senseless accusations. Tell him he can do it.