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Let's start with everyday communication. This is communication where everything is done out of habit due to previous experience. This communication can be different: normal, ordinary, good, inadequate. Most communicate in the format of everyday communication. What did I call healthy (or correct) communication? This is communication in which a person tries to consciously make contact, give feedback, ask for it, receive and withstand it. And also express support, discuss processes occurring in communication, express wishes for changing communication and agree on communication. And also consciously follow the topic of the conversation and participate with interest in it, if this interest exists. It sounds like an ideal, but it seems like this is what society strives for. And the problem that I encountered in life is the following: Not all people can handle healthy communication or are ready to stick to it. Many people unknowingly remain at the everyday level for various reasons. And calling them to healthy (correct) communication or conducting it with them is simply useless; they will not hear or understand or support, and sometimes they will stop communication altogether or consider it a weakness. From the point of view of healthy (correct) communication, this is not It's normal, it shouldn't be like that. But from a couple of examples, I realized that these people (under certain conditions) can be approached with wise (understanding) communication. What did I call wise (understanding) communication? This is communication in which one person knows the characteristics of another’s communication, understands and accepts them, tries to establish or establish communication that will be comfortable for everyone, because it is important for him to maintain this communication. For example, if a partner is afraid to talk about himself openly, the person will find out by discussing other near-personal topics. Or, for example, a person simply knows when it is better not to touch a partner or what issues it is better not to touch upon in communication. Often people who are capable of wise communication are experienced specialists, or have learned from life experience, or they simply have a talent for this. General conclusion: Previously, I was sure that it was necessary to establish healthy (correct) communication, because this is the only adequate format of interaction. Now I understand that it is possible to establish wise (understanding) communication, as an alternative to the more demanding previous format. However, it is important to understand: wise communication should not harm anyone. The person who establishes wise (understanding) communication should NOT and is NOT obliged to do this, he does this of his own free will, because he has such an opportunity and desire to maintain communication. Accordingly, no one has the right to demand wise (understanding) communication, but you can try to ask and come to an agreement. Moreover, a person has the right to demand healthy (correct) communication towards himself, which at a minimum will include respect. Guide post (menu) with other publications.