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The management strategy of our brain is very similar to the strategy of a factory owner. Why? Any business is created in order to make a profit. Moreover, every successful entrepreneur strives to reduce costs as much as possible and maximize income. The human body constantly consumes energy - while running, working at the computer, even while sleeping. Thought processes also consume energy - about 1%. But when a person is engaged in creativity, solves logical problems, and sorts complex issues into pieces, the brain uses up to 25% of all vital energy. If the brain works frequently and for a long time in this mode, it will quickly consume the resources of the entire organism. Naturally, this is not profitable, because other systems and organs need to be maintained in proper condition, in such harsh conditions the body cannot count on profit, one can even doubt that it will cover the cost. Therefore, the brain, like a talented entrepreneur, is looking for a way out. And nature itself helped him with this. Why reinvent the wheel, machine or sales scripts when you can take ready-made ones and simply adapt them to the needs of production? This brain function is called belief. Beliefs are models of our thinking, different templates that, like computer programs, are downloaded into the human brain from birth. Therefore, to reduce energy costs for similar life situations, such templates are created. These templates largely determine our behavior and lifestyle. The brain doesn’t care whether this pattern is positive or not; its main task is to reduce costs and increase profits. Therefore, if someone says that the brain's pattern is incorrect, the brain will immediately reject it - no matter how solid and well-reasoned the argument may be. Because to do this you need to put your brain in the conditions of solving a problem with a 25% payment. The brain does not need this; the old template copes with its functions. A person is not a body. He can control his body - raise his arm, move his leg. Also, a person is not a brain. As a business owner, not necessarily a director. A person can change unnecessary beliefs, like an owner of incompetent employees. He may even fire a dishonest director, while the director will cling to his position in every possible way and talk about his benefits and experience. But if you follow his lead, the business may die. A successful business requires innovative and firm decisions. the brain too. Albert Einstein said: “You will never be able to solve a problem if you maintain the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem.” Therefore. To become healthy and happy, you need to ask yourself a question: what patterns of my thinking led me to this? How is my brain robbing me by using old patterns instead of advanced technologies? Albert Enstein said about this: “Our beliefs and ideas are often a trap that limits our capabilities. The only knowledge that can advance us on the path of development is the knowledge that the imagination is capable of anything. And everything that is possible in our imagination is possible in the real world.” The only way to become truly healthy is to throw out old, outdated beliefs and establish new, modern, advanced ones. Interested to know how this is done? Systemic constellations are a quick and effective way to work with beliefs.