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“Let us pay tribute to the courage of those who really want to look into themselves and figure out what they find there” James Hollis. “Seeking help is the lot of the weak! Only a weak person admits that he is not able to cope with the situation! Whiners and weaklings go to a psychologist!” I think that the above slogans are familiar to many. Is it really? Who turns to a psychologist? Weaklings or...? Who are the clients of psychologists? Are these people really incapable of sorting out their lives, their jobs, their wives, their self-esteem? Are these really such weaklings and not independent people who are not able to cope with their problem themselves? Once, after a long period of work, a man said that his classmate had hanged himself. At the age of 37, in the prime of his life, he hanged himself... He admitted that most likely he himself would have committed such an act if he had not asked for help in time. How easy it is to fall into the abyss, and how easy it is to fall... And how much strength and courage it takes to “emerge.” Courage, courage, honesty with yourself is simply necessary in order to change your life. It is easy to talk about others, but how difficult it is to talk about yourself. It’s easy to look at someone else’s life, but how difficult it is to look at your own. So who are the psychologist’s clients? I will share my experience and observations. First of all, these are smart people, I would even say wise. Well educated, seeking, striving and very efficient. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they are efficient in the sense that they work a lot in terms of their development, in the topic of their self-knowledge, and this is extensive, constant and “hard” work. But their most important factor is courage and courage. A person goes to a psychologist when he realizes that his old behavior strategies are not effective and do not work. And this is not so easy to recognize, see and admit. It is the recognition of the ineffectiveness of their behavior that is an indicator of courage, and people do not “give up”, do not “fall into despair”, they have enough courage to maintain clarity of mind and understand that the choice they make is made only for the purpose of self-defense , and not from the best intentions or development. And they make a decision - to turn to face themselves, they make a decision - to hear themselves, to see themselves. And this meeting is not easy... They stop clinging to others, stop looking for protection in others, stop grumbling at others, they stop looking for their happiness/care/love where it/they are not. They change their guidelines and direct a bold gaze towards themselves. I can say quite confidently that people who turn to a psychologist are courageous, brave, strong, reasonable, adequate, honest, developing, striving. They have enough strength and courage to get up and leave such a sweet and familiar comfort zone..