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Perhaps, but whatever - I’m just sure that there are those who easily accept that their creativity remains at the level of a hobby that takes money and time. But they don’t come to me for consultations. Those who are often tormented by remorse over the fact that no one needs their creativity, it takes time away from work, which is still very necessary, often turn to me. Such creative people really need that to receive feedback from significant others. They fear non-recognition as a catastrophe, and try to measure every detail of their activities. Do you remember when you were children? Remember the state when creating - drawing, composing, singing, dancing - was as natural as playing with dolls or cars. And there was no separation between play and creativity - children do it at the same time and with pleasure. And so the person grows up and begins to choose what to do on a conscious level. Unfortunately, a dilemma often arises between the creative expression of oneself (the soul asks) and the practical expediency of what a person spends time on. Recognition... is a tempting state for many people. People who suffer due to lack of it often come to me for consultation for help. And today I want to share the characteristic features that unite them. Firstly, the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, treating others as if they were not equal to oneself. Here it is famously twisted how a person explains to himself his attitude towards the people around him. Still, behind the layers of how I respect and understand everyone, one can see the mustache of a cockroach of exorbitant ambition. A person considers himself obligated to become better than others in some way. This becomes his obsession, causing suffering due to the inability to realize it. Even if there is a supportive and friendly environment around such people, a person suffering from lack of recognition of his talent still does not consider them to be interesting, worthy of respect people . From creative “sufferers” you can hear phrases that no one understands him - what interests him is not given to other people to understand, he is completely alone in this world, and so on. In a strange way, the wrong people, the wrong areas of activity, the wrong hobbies, the wrong job, the wrong parents, the wrong work colleagues, the wrong friends... And here we come to the second characteristic feature of people who have not found a social recognition and those who worry about it - these are difficulties with the ability to refuse, to say “no”. It would seem that you don’t like those people with whom you interact day after day - so disband this environment and recruit another one. In response to such provocative proposals of mine, these clients droop and, throwing up their hands, admit their own powerlessness to refuse communication to those who are not interesting to them. Why can’t they? Education doesn't allow it. Oh, this is education! If you allow me, regarding education, I will quote lines written by one of my clients about how she decided to relate to her life and her upbringing: Learn to love while there is time. Learn to appreciate, because there is something for it; And you better throw off the burden, After all, what happened has already passed... Thirdly, a strange attitude that I have to do something. The military past of our grandparents contributes here, when there was no time for painting on canvas - there was an urgent task to survive. Although for those who want to create, war is not an obstacle, and during the Great Patriotic War many beautiful masterpieces of art were created. Of course, the choice is up to you, and I do not insist on any one option. I just want you to do it, remembering that the act of creation itself gives a person such powerful energy that it can then be spent on other purposes. Creations that are completed to completion are especially charged with confidence. Post it online, show off your work and be calm about how it will be received. For example, what’s wrong with being classified as a graphomaniac? Will this make you personally feel colder or warmer? The answer will not depend on the objective.