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From the author: A.G. Belyaev, Barnaul, highly qualified manager, director of the consulting company "El - Consul" When reprinting, a link to the link is required! Register here on the website using the link: RECEIVE a gift for registration! The main modern trend in the development of domestic companies is an increase in the technologization of various areas and areas of work . This is understandable: it is the technological effectiveness of all components of an organization’s work that is the key to its manageability and further development. However, this tendency is expressed unevenly within different spheres of organizational life. Thus, if production, marketing, sales, finance and logistics are increasingly oriented towards Western models and work practices, then the sphere of personnel management still, in a number of cases, remains the least technologically advanced, measurable, and, accordingly, manageable. Since any company is a single whole, the “illness” and/or weakness of any of its components inevitably affects the productivity of other parts (production, sales, financial block, etc.). That is why the leaders of large Russian companies increasingly feel the need in creating effective personnel management systems. What criteria should an effective personnel management system satisfy? In any case, this will include:• strategy orientation (compliance of personnel policies and HR activities with the company’s development strategy);• complexity (the presence of all key HR functions: recruitment, assessment, professional development, incentives, promotion, etc. );• consistency and synergy (they imply mutual coordination of the above functions and enhancing the positive effect);• manufacturability (the presence of clearly defined models and work procedures. And this, accordingly, ensures: reproducibility, predictability, repeatability of processes);• flexibility (the ability to quickly refocusing and reconfiguring for new strategic tasks);• active involvement of line management (increases control and efficiency of problem solving at all levels of company management). Orientation to strategy. Analyzing the strategic challenges facing your company will highlight the organizational success factors—the steps required to successfully implement each one. In turn, the analysis of success factors will make it possible to build a model of corporate competencies - standards of business behavior of company personnel that contribute to the implementation of the strategy. Let us give specific examples. Example No. 1. Strategic goals of a large financial company: to build an economically profitable financial supermarket; take and maintain a leading position in the Russian financial market; become a conduit for Western investment in the Russian economy. Success factors in achieving these goals will be: the creation of an integrated front office; optimization of the customer service model; development of competitive financial packages; and prompt response to future market needs; gaining the trust of Western investors; creating a positive image of the company in the market. What corporate competencies will be in demand in this case? “Scenario” thinking, high communicative competence, customer orientation, focus on results. Second example. The leading domestic oil company is striving to solve two strategic problems: systematically increase oil production volumes and ensure economic efficiency of its activities. What steps should the managers of the company's oil and gas production enterprises take to solve these problems? Become active agents of strategic initiatives, ensure stability and continuity of work in all areas, and be active players in the team of key managers. Accordingly, the company’s priority competencies will include economic thinking, reliability, execution management, and leadership. By the way, these are common to bothcompanies (from the first and second examples) will have such competencies as innovation and teamwork. Developing a competency model for your company (see the article “New tools of personnel management. Competency model”) will lay the foundation for building the main links of the personnel management system (assessment for selection and promotion purposes, certification, development, incentives, career planning), will ensure their connection with strategy, as well as mutual consistency. Evaluation system. By what criteria does your company select new managers: weeding out weak ones and identifying promising candidates? Based on what criteria are the strengths/weaknesses of existing managers determined? By what criteria do you assess which of the company’s employees are ready for new career assignments and to what extent? To facilitate the solution of these problems, specifying the competency model in the success profiles of key managerial positions allows you to specify them. A success profile is a “standard” of professional, business, managerial and personal qualities developed for a specific position that are necessary for a manager to work successfully within a given company (even better, in each position or at least in each “key” position). The presence of success profiles is significant will increase the accuracy of the selection process, and the company will be able to attract the most interesting managers and specialists. Success profiles will allow you to clarify the strengths/weaknesses of managers already working in the company, as well as highlight specific areas for their development. Finally, the presence of clear and precise criteria for forming a management team reserve will contribute to the career growth of the most worthy applicants. If we talk about specific procedures for assessing corporate competencies and competencies of success profiles, then individual assessment and assessment center are recognized as the most effective assessment technologies. An individual assessment takes the form of an in-depth interview between the manager being assessed and a consultant. Testing and questionnaires are also used. Based on these data, a report is drawn up that contains a holistic professional, business and personal portrait of the manager being assessed, a brief listing of his strengths and weaknesses, as well as final recommendations to the company management and/or manager. In some cases, the individual assessment is supplemented by an assessment center (AC) . The assessment center is based on participants playing out various work situations (attracting clients, negotiating with partners, managing subordinates), which is accompanied by qualified expert assessment. The high technology of the AC procedure will allow you to quickly get an accurate understanding of the competence of employees at all management levels and structural divisions of the company that interest you. For each AC, a detailed guide is drawn up for its implementation, which can be used if you subsequently need to extend the assessment to new divisions organizations: branches, subsidiaries. The advantage of AC is that after special instructions, any interested manager of your company will be able to participate in it as a qualified expert who knows the intricacies of the “evaluation kitchen”. As a result, managers will have the opportunity to reconsider their initial assumptions about subordinates or newly hired employees. In addition, participation in the preparation and conduct of personnel assessments significantly improves line managers' skills in working with subordinates. Certification system. A substantively effective certification includes an assessment of those being certified according to key indicators of the productivity of their work, as well as an assessment of their compliance with corporate competencies and success profiles. Procedurally, certification is built in the form of individual interviews of certified employees with their immediate supervisors. The certification results are formalized in the form of a system of agreed assessments of those being certified and managers,specific professional plans, as well as steps that translate these plans into reality. Like the assessment center, certification involves the development of special guidelines for its implementation for managers. Relevant materials are prepared for the certified specialists themselves. Thanks to the development and implementation of a certification system, your managers will be able to systematically track the performance of subordinates and clearly see their strengths/weaknesses. Results? Systematic increase in the intensity and productivity of employees’ work through setting challenging goals, as well as effective monitoring of their implementation. Development system. The development needs of managers and specialists identified as a result of the certification will allow us to develop effective and cost-effective professional and business training programs for the organization. The key to the effectiveness of these programs is their complexity, which involves the use of various methods and forms of development. These include:• development in the workplace due to the inclusion in the work plans of employees of tasks that have developmental potential;• horizontal rotation of managers from the company’s central office to regional divisions and vice versa, as well as to related divisions in order for them to receive a more comprehensive professional managerial experience; • a specially designed mentoring system from more experienced colleagues; • a package of business training and development centers; • individual work of consultants with senior managers (coaching). Incentive system. The central question that arises before the head of an organization in the process of developing an incentive system is: how to evaluate the contribution of a particular position to the performance of the company? One of the options for solving such a complex problem could be the development of a corporate grade system. In accordance with this system, each position within the company is fixed two main dimensions: professional specialization and grade (position level). These measurements allow you to accurately specify the “coordinates” of any position in the space of all job positions in the organization. The size of the grade is determined by several factors: the knowledge and skills required by the position, the complexity and novelty of the tasks being solved, the level of responsibility and the cost of an error. The development and implementation of a grade system will help you solve a number of fundamental problems in the field of personnel management: • streamline the corporate social package by strictly tying wages and other forms of remuneration for employees in relation to the value of the work they perform for the company; • create a tool for motivating employees in conditions of limited opportunities for career growth. Career planning and replacement system. What kind of managers will your company need in the future? How do you propose to meet the company's need for these managers? Involving external managers may not be the optimal solution. The main disadvantages of external candidates are the habit of a different corporate culture, as well as ignorance of many of the intricacies of the corporate life of your company. All of these points make it difficult to integrate them into your management team. Another serious risk is the lack of stable identification among new managers with the new organization and, as a result, low loyalty. An alternative solution to the problem under consideration is the creation of a special corporate program for training a personnel reserve. This program includes much of what we talked about above:• clarification of the company's long-term personnel needs;• development of success profiles for relevant managerial positions;• initial selection of promising specialists and their subsequent assessment for making personal decisions on the advisability of including a particular employee in the group managerial reserve;• development and implementation of development programs for reservists;• systematic monitoring of the progress of reservists by the company management. The presence of the considered program will ensure the continuity of the management of your company and.