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From the author: Most problems and illnesses arise from a person’s disconnection from his world. Therefore, it is useless to fight external manifestations and events! Everyone wants to go their own way, and this is only possible when you stop relying on others and in a difficult situation find your own points of support! To start changing your life you need inspiration, a burning desire, or you can come up with another motivator - despair... Everything that is written in this article is just my vision, opinion, observation of other people and of course personal and professional experience. Before you start If you want to change something, it would be good to consult with a mentor or just go for a consultation with an experienced Coach. If you want to radically change the situation, yourself, your life or achieve greater heights and results, then you need constant or periodic support from a mentor! Because Every champion has his own coach! The quality of life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself! And a correctly asked question already contains an answer or solution to the situation. So the questions are how? So what? - golden questions! How can I improve my life, what can I do that would... or in order to?... There are several more powerful questions - Who am I when I do or don’t do this? What's my path? Why do I need it? What am I becoming on this path and who will I become as a result? To achieve, the skill is not as important as the belief that you can and will achieve it! In everyone who was able to do something worthwhile in their life, I notice one common feature - personal responsibility! And also powerful beliefs that strengthen, help and open all the strengths, resources and open all the doors necessary for this business. Beliefs, like a core, are our spine in the literal and figurative sense of the word, so what we believe in is there deep inside, what we are definitely convinced of is our life! This can be heard in speech and seemingly random words and judgments about oneself, life and what is possible and what is not. How to understand and calculate your beliefs or the beliefs of other people? It's easy! Often a person says that these are not my beliefs, but this is how the world works! And a person defends this point of view until he is hoarse! When people do not understand each other or are in conflict, it is a conflict of their beliefs and nothing more. And justifying these beliefs, we find hundreds of examples from life, such as a shoemaker without boots, etc. or vice versa - If there is at least one person in the world who could do it, then I can do it too! This is not a truth or dogma for everyone, but simply my belief. And when I have it, it works for me and for me. But there is another important thing - these are human values! What a person believes in, that’s what he achieves, what he lives, that’s what he receives, what his values ​​are - that’s what he ultimately comes to, no matter what he does, no matter where he goes! This is how we attract, make friends, love, and on the contrary, we repel and separate due to the similarity or opposition of our values. What are values ​​in simple terms and in everyday life? This is why I do it or don’t do it and what is most important and valuable for me in this, why and in the name of what I live. I want to pause here for now. You need to realize this and let it pass through yourself. If you are interested in this topic and want to continue, write your question, experience, opinion or addition in the comments. I will be very interested. Sincerely Elena Burba.