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Social growth is an important stage in the socialization of a person, starting from birth. The ability to adapt to society in the role and quality that is expected of you, which is accepted by society at the right time, in the right place. That is, belonging to one or another social category: child, grandson, brother, sister, parents, mother, father, friend, neighbor, pupil, student, etc. The first socialization occurs in the family. To be a member of the same family. In society there are stereotyped ideas about certain professions, social hierarchy, status, what type of behavior should be, what this and that should be like, what way of life, what behavior, accepted norms of value, traditional axioms. Therefore, immature individuals also easily fall into asocial groups where they can be defiant, boorish, drunk, accessible only because internal infantilism is the leading note in such behavior. Thus, you can be irresponsible for your deeds, words, and actions. This behavior allows you to find “who is to blame” in a given company, who can be called a leader, and yourself always a follower and a “victim of circumstances.” Yes, there is the influence of the general mass of the crowd, the leader of the group, but... it is the choice itself of which company to go to that is always up to the person. Awareness of one's choice in everything is one of the steps of personal growth. When a person lives only with a social focus of attention, he is not aware of himself, his true desires and needs. This may be due to the fact that his opinion was not particularly taken into account in childhood. But parents sooner or later satisfied the needs even without requests. Life in an infantile position is orientation towards someone who will tell you from the outside what he himself needs. He lives by the same social principles: “the right way”, someone once told him about it, he studies in the “right place”, they advised him, he works “where it’s more profitable”, where he got a job, started a family, because that “that’s how everyone did it at that time”, they gave birth to a child, because “a family without children is not a family”, we go to work “like everyone else”, but... somehow everything is not happy, it doesn’t warm up. The person says: “It used to seem that others knew exactly how I should live, that I would obey everyone and become better than everyone else, that it was still so difficult and not interesting, it was still not clear why I was doing everything, until I achieved everything, then I would be happy. Time passes, education, profession, family, child, or maybe two, and now it turns out that it is not clear who wanted all this and who needed all this. The husband behaves like he has everything under control, but for some reason he began to drink, the wife, what she is thinking about is not clear at all, everyone lives in their own social pattern, but everyone understands that something is wrong, but does not know what is wrong now do this. It seems that everything is important and necessary, but something is somehow empty, there is no warmth, no communication, no common goals, as it turned out. The goals of society ended there. Next comes the statistics of divorces and remarriages. For some reason I don’t want to continue to ride the wave of social attitudes. What should I do?” Each seminar from the “Theater of Archetypes” is not general information, it is personal information for each participant about himself. This is an opportunity to see yourself from the outside, to see your strengths and weaknesses, to better understand your real needs, your goals and values, to remember what you really want, what you really dreamed about throughout your childhood. And how and when he abandoned personal growth in favor of social growth. How and when did you decide that achievements in the form of marks, in the form of certificates and diplomas are more important than peace of mind, joy and lightness. Personal growth is the opportunity for a person to accept himself with all his shortcomings and advantages, taking them into account, to become mature, healthy, responsible, and through this is acceptance, as a free individual person. This is, according to Adler’s theory of the inferiority complex, through accepting your inferiority, to improve precisely in what you are weaker, becoming through this an all-round developed personality. Or a narrow specialist in this particular aspect, knowing the full depth of this