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Delayed speech development, unfortunately, is most noticeable in children now. Beloved children who are taught at home, however, sometimes do not even begin to speak at one year of age. And even later. This is largely due to the information field in which we live. If there is no TV at home, then the neighbors have one. Sound is a wave that travels through solid, liquid and gas. Thus, it is almost impossible to shield yourself from the sound information and vibration field of the environment in the city. I won't talk about its quality. And not everyone can immediately change this environment. You should at least go out into nature with your children more often, and leave the city in the summer. You can listen to your own music at home. Children may have preferences from birth. But in general, we offer harmonious, positive music that is quite high in vibration - spiritual, classical, folk, sounds of nature, birdsong, melodic songs with a positive meaning, bell ringing. We turn it on not loudly, it can be in the background for a while, but not all the time. There should also be periods of silence. But that’s another topic. But what can be done to still help the baby speak? First of all, the child must be given the opportunity to satisfy his developmental needs - move a lot, work a lot with his hands, develop his will through his own efforts, study next to slightly older children who already speak. If the child looks at us when we speak - slow down and continue to speak expressively, so that you can see how the speech apparatus and facial expressions work. Sometimes children who are just starting to attend classes in a Montessori environment have a great discovery that they, it turns out, are heard! For example, a “one-year-old” climbs diligently onto the stairs and mutters something quietly under his breath, and you next to him begin to make sounds similar in intonation in response. The child turns around with delight on his face and looks in amazement. He recognized his own intonation in the answer - oh, that means they can hear me! Yes exactly. Even two-year-old children who barely speak are sometimes amazed when they hear in response the same sounds that they make themselves. It happens that you ask parents: “How do you communicate with your child, how do you talk?” Sometimes they answer: “How to communicate with him, how to talk, if he doesn’t speak at all yet?” - Do you read? - Well, yeah... Sometimes. He’s not interested yet. - Do you read books yourself? - Why? There is the Internet. So how can a child learn? In human speech, in addition to the content that is conveyed through the meaning of words, there is also an intonation component. Intonation acquires an independent expressive and semantic meaning, revealing emotional overtones and imparting a certain meaning. It is very important for the formation of an image, creativity with the help of speech. In general, the images that we create when we think, speak, write, influence our lives. And if we are talking about a woman who is already expecting a baby, her images are perceived by the child even in the prenatal period of development! If we pay attention to this, create positive images, we thereby help the child form a positive attitude towards life, a positive program for the future. You can even help a child prepare for birth, for accepting the life and environment into which he will soon come, by deliberately sending him, like a photo by mail, images - this is our house, this is your dad, this is your older brother, and this is our dacha on the lake ...Infants after two months, when myelination* (the importance of myelination is well shown in the film “Lorenzo’s Oil”) reaches the level of the neck, already has a natural healthy ability to hold their head and change the intonation of the sounds they make. The human voice is very musical and rich in intonations that carry independent meaning. And this is an excellent opportunity for emotional communication for children and a valuable, speech-stimulating addition to communication with children who cannot yet speak. We express our feelings not so much with words as with intonation. The emotional coloring of what is happening contributes to memorization. Along with the usual.