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How to find a disease in yourself? Don't despair if you don't succeed the first time, don't lose hope! Success awaits you! Start in the morning, immediately after waking up, listen to your body, try not to move for about 30 minutes. If the urge to bladder intensifies, you can hope that you have kidney disease or cystitis. Don't stop there! A unique opportunity to find a disease opens up at your breakfast. Try to eat not just hastily, but very quickly! Place food in your mouth in large chunks and swallow it without chewing. If you manage to choke, be sure to note this for yourself as a probable symptom of laryngeal stenosis. If you feel discomfort in your stomach after breakfast, try to convince yourself that you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer. Yes, be sure to use the basic method of detecting the disease! Wear socks that are not your size. Better - children's. A tight rubber band will tighten your ankles, and by the evening you will be happy to assume that you have a violation of the outflow of lymph, compression of the venous vessels by tumors, or a pregnant uterus. The latter, of course, is not a disease, but if you are a man, then there will also be a good reason to be scared. Yes, the most important thing! Don't forget to be scared! Every time you suspect you have a new disease, be sure to be scared. And as hard as possible. Don't just shudder and break out in a cold sweat, try to faint. As practice shows, this is quite difficult to do on purpose, but it’s still worth trying, because you have a wonderful quality of doing everything perfectly! During the day, be attentive to all your organs, especially your heart! Does it hurt? Here! Here, this is the most desired disease - heart disease! Don’t even allow the thought that you are simply sitting uncomfortably on a chair for a long time, that your muscles are tired of being tense and are giving you a signal that you need to relax! No, under no circumstances, do not relax. Sit slouched for another 5-6 hours. And it will be a crime if you get up and do a warm-up. Will you be able to forgive yourself for this later? Lose hope for heart disease or heart failure, or for pericarditis, myocarditis and endocarditis? No. Never! And here's another thing. Be sure to read more medical literature. Especially reference books of diseases. This is a paradise for those who want to find a disease in themselves. Don't limit yourself to medical reference books. Be sure to “sit” on forums and chats on the Internet, read what people write to each other! Our people are kind, they generously share their pains and stories about how it all started and what it led to. As soon as you feel that you have found yours, be scared. Stronger, stronger! Listen to yourself. Do you feel your heart starting to beat faster? Are your arms and legs sweaty? I got dizzy? Water, water! You did everything right, you found the disease and scared yourself! But that's not all! It is considered obligatory in the practice of those “hungry to get sick” to visit doctors. Go to a therapist, he will refer you to a surgeon, endocrinologist, proctologist, gastroenterologist. Do not give up! Do an ultrasound, X-rays, and an endoscopic examination. Is it worth talking about analyzing urine, blood and everything else that your body secretes? Carefully remember all the diagnoses that experts initially suggest. Remember, and until you receive the results of the research, be sure to tell your loved ones, or better yet, everyone in a row (in transport, at work, in the bathhouse) that you suspect this or that. Say this as tragically as possible, lowering your voice slightly. Get into character! You don’t want to hear: I don’t believe it! Shake yourself up, imagine that you already have this, start breathing with a clamp, hunch over just in case, make your face as “lean” as possible, and your efforts will be crowned with success. You will again feel an increased heart rate and dizziness. Do not despair if the doctors do not find anything wrong with you. Probably in your!