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Raising a child's love of hard work is one of the most important tasks of parents. A lot, if not everything, depends on whether a growing person knows how to work or whether he likes to work. Will he be able to become successful and happy in his adult life, will he be able to earn his own bread and provide for himself and his future family. Children, accustomed to work from an early age, will also fulfill their duties conscientiously as they grow up. Labor must be taught as well as reading and writing. Where to start? Many modern children are incredibly busy: lessons, tutoring, dancing, music school classes, etc. and therefore parents, pitying them, do not burden them with homework. But even if your child works in this way, and no matter what he is doing, singing or folk dancing, there is still something that he must do independently in the house. He must have something that only he can do and no one can do for him, that is, his responsibilities. First of all, this is to maintain order in his things, and if he has his own room, then in his own room. Try not to do this for him. For many parents, especially mothers, it is much easier to put things in order themselves than to painstakingly teach their child to do this. By doing their child’s work for them, they do him, and maybe even themselves, a disservice, dooming him to problems in the future. So how to teach a child to work? The most important thing to remember is that it is advisable to teach work from early childhood, as soon as the child can perform basic tasks, for example, putting away toys, watering flowers or clearing dishes from the table. Accustoming must begin not only as early as possible, but also be done systematically. It is important to remember the natural laws of the body: any action that is repeated early turns into a habit. There is a period in early childhood when a child loves to imitate adults, constantly interfering in their affairs, and strives to help in everything. it is important not to miss this moment. Having brushed aside the child’s help once or twice, we ourselves discourage the child’s desire to work. Then he himself will no longer want to take on anything and his main activities will be entertainment and games. When teaching your child to work, remember the basic rules that will facilitate this process and help achieve the desired results. Here they are: 1. Foster a love of work by personal example. If parents are lazy and passive, then their child is unlikely to become hardworking. A child, like a sponge, absorbs the lifestyle of his parents and imitates them. 2. When starting to accustom a child to work, you should give him feasible tasks, taking into account his age and individual characteristics. The tasks must be those that he can complete for sure. The child should not be exhausted when completing an assignment. Don't demand the impossible from your child. 3. Control the tone of the assignment. Ask to do something, don't order it. It is much more pleasant to fulfill a request than an order. 4. Punishment by labor is not acceptable. Never punish with labor. Thus, the desire to work and help will be discouraged rather than inculcated.5. Never criticize the result of your work. Try to show and tactfully explain how to do this or that job. Rejoice with him for a job well done. 6. If your child often says that he didn’t do something because he forgot or didn’t hear anything about your request, then try writing down all homework assignments on paper. The child completes everything point by point and, as he completes it, crosses it out. The result will exceed your expectations.7. Teach your child to respect the work of other people. Talk about your work and the work of other people.8. Balance your own expectations with the child’s capabilities in order to avoid unnecessary problems and conflicts. You can search as much as you like for the reasons for your child’s laziness and find them in heredity or in the fact that he is asked a lot at school, thereby justifying both him and yourself. Hard work or lack thereof is a direct result of family upbringing. Use the suggested rules and with a little effort