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Now many people are gripped by fear. Fear for the life and health of your family, loved ones, friends. Fear for your future, financial well-being... What to do to calm down? How not to panic? Read below for practical recommendations. Talk to loved ones about your experiences. With those who can and are able to listen: with mom, with husband, if he has strong nerves, with a friend, or a psychologist. It’s important to express your emotions: I’m scared, I’m afraid for you, for the children, I’m worried... But: don’t send negative texts to groups, don’t write comments on social networks. This way you will not calm down, but on the contrary, you will screw up both yourself and others!!! If you are an anxious person, unfollow all news accounts on social networks. Don't watch the news on TV. Pay attention not to the negative, but to the good events: help, healing, kindness, support, responsibility and the efforts that people are making now. Support each other! Let's connect the breath. When you feel that fear is taking over you, you are seized by panic, breathe deeply, deeply. You can inhale through your nose, exhale long through your mouth, fold your lips into a tube, as if you are blowing out a candle on a cake. You can combine breathing with walking. In this case, the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. You can walk around the apartment and count your steps: inhale three steps, exhale four steps. You can also alternately tense and relax your muscles, for example: clench and unclench your fists. Pay attention to the positive aspects: a lot of time for yourself, children, loved ones. You can finally take up your hobby, or take care of yourself, redo a lot of things that you had planned for a long time, but never got around to doing. This could be repairs, cleaning the apartment, rearranging. Things will distract you, physical activity will tone your body, which increases immunity. Listen to music, sing, dance, read, watch comedies, play sports. Yoga is calming. You can just hit a punching bag, if you don’t have one, at least hit a sofa cushion. Do not forbid children to run, jump, and tumble. They need to release energy. Put on a play, put on a fairy tale. While going through your closets, have a fashion show. Jokes and laugh more. Today is April 1st, play a prank on someone. Laughter improves your emotional state, which strengthens your immune system. You can write what worries you, or draw it. You can draw in any order, throwing emotions onto paper, for example, just colored spots, or you can draw what you are afraid of. For example, a virus: round, oval, with spikes, just the way you want... (See in the picture how the children drew it). Then you can tear the drawing into small pieces and burn it. Do this with the whole family: both adults and children. You can repeat every day until you feel better! At night you can listen to hypnosis on headphones, for example, I like Andrei Rakitsky’s hypnosis: to relieve stress, anxiety, fear of getting sick, “Protection against influenza, ARVI and other infections”, “I am reliably protected” ... They are freely available in the Internet. We turned it on and fell asleep. Positive everyone! Take care of yourself! I will be glad to like!) Write in the comments your ways to calm down.