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Thousands of Russians suffer from headaches every day and are trying to find a remedy that will be effective not only today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Migraines can greatly impact your entire life if you do not have the right solution to relieve them from their negative impact. Self-hypnosis can be used effectively to prevent and control pain in various parts of the body, including migraines. Whether you choose to study the principles of hypnosis and self-hypnosis on your own, or make an appointment with a qualified hypnotherapist who can help you control this type of chronic pain, the ultimate the result will amaze you. Although in order for hypnosis techniques to become a therapeutic tool that people trust, it is still necessary to debunk the many myths and prejudices about hypnosis imposed by the media, today more and more people are turning to this effective alternative remedy for help. Process, With the help of which a professional hypnotherapist will help you cure a headache, it is quite simple. First, he will try to establish a connection with your unconscious mind, because this is where almost any pain originates. The hypnotherapist will take the necessary steps to change your perception of pain through the unconscious mind. So, first the patient is helped to enter a trance state so that the hypnotherapist can communicate directly with the unconscious mind. The next step is for the hypnotherapist to negotiate with your unconscious mind to replace the negative thoughts about your headache with positive thoughts. You've probably heard that hypnosis can remove the psychological triggers that cause a person to crave a cigarette. Likewise, hypnosis can remove the triggers that cause your persistent migraines and their symptoms. By communicating directly with the unconscious part of your mind, the hypnotherapist can discover the triggers that cause migraines and adjust them in a way that benefits your entire body. If you constantly suffer from migraines, then you understand how often you experience these pains, and how much you would like to correct this situation. Migraines can be considered a chronic disease, and traditional medicine fails to address the triggers in the same way that hypnosis can, which is the key to pain relief. Therefore, traditional methods of getting rid of headaches are only temporary relief from symptoms, and this is completely different from getting rid of the underlying causes that led to the development of these symptoms. You may think that today you can find many different types of drugs in pharmacies to relieve headaches. pain, but more than half of migraine sufferers do not get relief from traditional drug therapy. Very often, the root of the problem that causes a headache turns out to be much deeper than traditional medicine can penetrate.http:// http://www.b17.ru/osipa/