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Almost every woman at some stage of her life has faced loneliness. “Lonely,” “She is alone, without a man,” “Lonely” are label phrases that are addressed to a woman. Women agree with this; and they strive in their lives to avoid everything that will cause them to remain lonely. “How can I realize myself if I am alone, if I don’t have a beloved man?” Women filled with fear of loneliness do not see that there are many opportunities nearby with which they can fill their lives. Questions such as: “Why did I become lonely? Why did the man leave my life?”, they frighten and do not give the opportunity to think that a woman can live quite successfully even when there is no man nearby; that a man can only be there, but should not fill a woman. The fact that life together with a man can end at some point, and if you “make” a man the center and meaning of your life, then in the end this will lead to a strong limitation of yourself. Therefore, it is important to understand that only fear is the real cause of loneliness. And fear can be overcome. Let’s take a short retreat into the past to understand what powerful resources for self-realization every modern woman has. In the distant past, women struggled with difficulties every day, living in poverty. Their husbands could be absent for a long time, and women were forced to independently obtain food for themselves and their children, take care of their homes, or, for example, pave the way in the forest, where there are many predators. They provided themselves with what they needed to live. These are our great, great, great grandmothers. It was they who laid in each of us powerful strength and resources that are available to every modern woman. Therefore, each of us today has an amazingly powerful tool for development, affirmation and self-realization, in order to prosper and grow right now. The level of psycho-emotional maturity of a modern woman is now at its highest point. Never before in history have women been as perfect as they are today. Therefore, we ourselves can shape and determine our lives and destiny. Modern women have many more opportunities that were previously unavailable. Therefore, the “ideal man” is only one of the possible alternatives, one of the options that exist. During the period when you are single, you should not get hung up on it, use this time for self-development, personal growth, moving forward, improve your life straight now. If you don’t do this today, you can miss out on many wonderful opportunities in life. Sincerely, your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship specialist, Natalya Akhmedova