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From the author: Who are the specialists in helping professions from the world of psychology? How are they different from each other? I tried to understand this difficult topic. I present to your consideration my new article. If you like it, thank us with a like. When something hurts, we go to the clinic. Basically, our complaints are listened to by a general practitioner, who can refer us to another specialist of the profile we need. We may not know about the existence of such areas of medicine, but we will receive the necessary help. It is not surprising that when our soul hurts, when there are difficulties in relationships with parents, loved ones, children, when there is no satisfaction from life, we also want to receive highly qualified help . However, until now, in the field of psychological care there has been nothing similar to the multidisciplinary medical institution we are used to. Anyone wishing to receive psychological services had to deal with the abundance of terms for specialists working with the psyche. I decided to fix this. To begin with, I will tell you how specialists in various fields differ from each other, what methods they use and what they work with best. So, at the moment there are several professions in the psychological field: coach, psychologist, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, psychotherapist, doctor neurologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. Let's figure out why there are so many of them and what they are needed for. Any good specialist begins with education. Coach. Formally, the education of a coach comes down to taking fairly short-term courses. To be called a coach, it is enough to go through a number of steps, the total number of days of training for which is reduced to 16 days. The rest of the time is allocated for independent work. In these courses, coaches are taught the art of asking questions correctly, so that the client self-motivates himself to implement specific tasks. During the training, they perform a fairly large amount of practical exercises, as they practice on themselves everything that they will apply to others. It seems like a nightmare. And indeed, there are plenty of irresponsible people who undertake to ruin lives after several months of courses. But still, coach and coach are different. Firstly, there is a natural talent, a psychological sense, and secondly, many coaches are aware of their responsibility in changing the lives of their clients and receive state psychological education, without which, following the letter of the law, they do not have the right to provide psychological assistance. Psychologist For In order to obtain a diploma in psychology, you need to study at a higher educational institution for at least 4 years. Such training gives the title of bachelor. University education is distinguished by its depth and breadth. Students are given courses in all types of well-known psychological areas, taught to distinguish between individual psychological schools, and to work with different types of clients. The bachelor knows the structure of the psyche and brain, has an understanding of all mental illnesses, norms and developmental pathologies. He knows everything about age-related crises, consciousness, and personal characteristics. Proficient in research methods of the human psyche and inner world. He is able to independently work with all types of disorders and psychological maladjustments that do not require mandatory medication. If he wants to be even more knowledgeable in a particular area, he continues his master's studies at the desired department. If he wants to advance science, then the title of master is followed by a candidate and doctor of science. Clinical psychologist with higher psychological education Our country has recently switched to the European model of bachelors and masters. And before that, all universities in our country trained specialists. The clinical psychologist is just such a relic. He is an expert in a narrow field. Although he does not have the right to prescribe medications, he has extensive knowledge in the field of psychological pathologies. For example, if bachelors are taught a semester course in psychiatry, and practice inWhile psychological hospitals are limited to two weeks of observing the work of psychiatrists, a clinical psychologist meticulously studies ICD-10 for about a year, visiting hospitals and dispensaries. In the process of working with healthy people, this knowledge is not so usable, so we can say that he is equal in his education to a bachelor of psychology, although he studies a year longer. Clinical psychologist with a higher medical education Our educational system seems to be created in order to confuse people. Currently, clinical psychologists are being trained at the departments of medical universities across the country. The total training period is about 5 years. Only their education during the first three years consists of courses common to all physicians, including surgery and anatomy. In terms of education, a clinical psychologist is much closer to a neurologist and psychiatrist than to a psychologist. He can prescribe you medications for psychosomatic pain, but will not help you resolve your internal conflict, improve your relationship with your husband, or improve your relationship with your teenage child. Specialists with such diplomas work in the field of public and private clinics and prefer to call themselves with the prefix doctor. Psychotherapist In our country, any psychotherapist is first and foremost a psychologist. It is abroad, especially in the States, that psychotherapeutic education is based on medical psychiatric education. In our country, one becomes a psychotherapist after studying at a university to become a psychologist, choosing a specific psychological school and learning to apply its basic therapeutic methods. Some become a Gestalt therapist, others a cognitive scientist. One is a fan of psychoanalysis, another of humanistic psychology, and a third of behaviorism, etc. That is, not all psychotherapists have psychotherapist written on their diploma; the name greatly depends on the policy of the university. We still write “psychologist” more often. Very often, people study to become a psychotherapist in some non-state educational institution at the same time as receiving their basic education, but it happens that people complete their studies after years of practice, having become disillusioned with one theory and turning to another. The duration of training in this case is very variable. That is, additional months or years of training are added to the basic 4-year bachelor's education of a psychologist. Why months or years? Because you can take separate short-term courses for each method, or you can get something like additional professional education over 3 years. The main difference from bachelor's education is the abundance of practice. Learning through training, accommodation and play. Psychotherapist A special specialty that brings confusion into the thoughts of clients is called a psychotherapist. In general, this is the same clinical psychologist with a medical education. Neurologist Sometimes, due to the common name of emotions as nerves, people think that a neurologist deals with diseases of the soul. I want to assure you that he is interested precisely in the physiology of your body and its health. The duration of medical training, including internship, is about 7 years. Addiction specialist, addiction specialist, is in great demand in our country. Everyone knows how terrible alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking are. A professional receives his education at a medical school, which determines the methods of his work. Recognizing the importance of psychological dependence, such a specialist concentrates on the use of chemicals in treatment. And he has not been taught what to do with other types of addiction such as gambling or mania. Psychiatrist The first thing that is important to remember is that a psychiatrist works with psychologically ill people. During 7 years of education at a medical university, he studies not only the anatomy of the central nervous system (this is also given to psychologists), but also various types of its pathologies, as well as pharmacology. He knows which brain injuries negatively affect mental health and can use medication to change the manifestations of mental illness. Characteristics of clients and methods of workCoach The name of this specialty is a tracing from the English word coach. ThatThe coach's task is to train the client to act in a certain way. The client in this case is an absolutely healthy person who has temporary difficulties in achieving certain goals. The reason for this may lie in psychological characteristics, as well as in the vagueness of the goal or its incorrect formulation. By asking leading questions, the coach helps to find out a person’s actual goal, prescribe steps towards its implementation, find physical and psychological resources and formulate criteria for successfully achieving the task. Psychologist As in the case of a coach, a psychologist mainly works with healthy people. Each of us has difficult periods when we cannot cope with grief, find an interesting job, or establish peaceful relationships with our parents. In situations of external or internal conflicts, a psychologist is the specialist who can help you. First of all, it is important to mention that a psychologist has a huge number of statistically verified tests in his arsenal. Such diagnostic material helps to collect a holistic picture of the client’s situation and his personal characteristics. In addition, a psychologist has knowledge of many theories and techniques that can change your negative attitudes. Like a coach, a psychologist is able to draw a plan of action, but only he can help the client overcome internal limitations and implement the plan in life. Clinical psychologist with higher psychological education As mentioned above, a clinical psychologist of this profile is no different from a bachelor of psychology. His clients are healthy people, and his methods are similar to those of a psychologist, that is, tests, conversations and various psychological techniques. A clinical psychologist with a higher medical education. Most often, the clients of this specialist are mentally healthy, but have diseases of the body associated with their state of mind. A clinical psychologist is able to understand where there is an organ disease, and where the disease is a manifestation of psychological difficulties. A clinical psychologist “loves” to prescribe sedatives and prescribe physical therapy. His ability and desire to apply psychological techniques depends entirely on his personal interest in psychology and the program of the university in which he received his education. Psychotherapist Clients of a psychotherapist can be both mentally healthy people and (as part of additional treatment support) citizens with mental illnesses. Psychotherapy helps healthy people to better know themselves, the reasons for their actions, learn to use their potential, value themselves, and overcome their fears. People with a psychiatric diagnosis need psychotherapy as a way to study the dynamics of the disease, help control emotions and adapt to reality. Psychotherapist The scope of application of the knowledge and skills of a psychotherapist is very individual. He has the right to prescribe medications, so he can work with mentally ill people, but he can also choose a more psychological direction of work. Narcologist The medical sector of the fight against addictions assumes the mental health of its clients, but their physiological dependence on relaxing, stimulating or inhibitory substances. Treatment is carried out with medication. It is important to note that psychoactive substances (alcohol and all types of drugs) have a negative effect on the brain, which over time leads to mental illnesses of the endogenous-organic and exogenous type. Psychiatrist A psychiatrist works with psychologically ill people. Most often, he provides his assistance in hospitals or psychoneurological dispensaries. Using drugs, he changes the chemistry inside the brain, relieving a person's suffering. Understanding the importance of psychology in the onset and course of the disease, psychiatrists involve psychologists and psychotherapists in joint work with the patient both in a medical institution and at home. Who treats what and who works with what Coach A coach is the same behaviorist, that is, he works with human behavior. It can teach you to overcome fear of an audience with long training sessions, but it will not get rid of