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Why does a person see the world in black and white? How to stop being categorical and analyze what is happening unconventionally? You may be surprised, but the tendency to think black and white is formed in infancy. At about six months, a child learns to distinguish between “good” and “bad.” Full is good, hungry is bad. This awareness initially manifests itself only at the level of physicality. Over time, black and white thinking is activated in a person during stressful moments in life, when he becomes vulnerable and weak. If the atmosphere around you is calm, stable and comfortable, the tendency to categorical thinking decreases, you become able to think more loyally and show prudence. But as soon as this atmosphere of security disappears, you will immediately begin to divide everything around into “bad” and “good.” We can safely say that black and white thinking is “activated” at the moment when we do not feel safe. Of course, this very categoricalness will have different degrees for everyone, but it will inevitably arise. What to do if nothing stressful happens, but you still go into categorical thinking? In this case, most likely, there is background anxiety. It is almost invisible, but continues to influence a person’s life, his relationships with people around him. That is, if you notice manifestations of categorical thinking in yourself, you should work not with it directly, but with background anxiety and increased restlessness. Learn to let go of the worries of the day and relax - physically and emotionally. Try to find the source of that very background anxiety. Where does it come from? What becomes its starting point? Often the reason for categorical thinking is self-doubt, when a person simply does not feel support within. He considers himself worthless and weak, and therefore is accustomed to constantly hiding behind categorical thinking. After all, if everything is bad, you need to defend yourself, if everything is good, you can relax a little. But you can relax for a short period of time. Very soon, anxiety and categoricalness roll in with renewed vigor. It is most effective to work through black-and-white thinking accompanied by a psychologist. It will become your guide in the process of work..