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When creating a family, we think that we will have a loved one with whom we can always share our problems, rejoice and be sad together. But sometimes it turns out that everyone in the family feels lonely. Spouses, coming home after work, try to retire each in their own corner, and for the child the computer becomes the best friend. Reasons for loneliness in the family You can be lonely and misunderstood when close people are nearby for various reasons. Among the most common: 1. Constant employment. It is not for nothing that they say that many families collapse due to everyday problems. Everyday life sucks you in and doesn’t give you the opportunity to communicate normally and spend time the way you want. Most married men work hard to provide for their family with everything they need. And women are so immersed in caring for children that they have no strength left for anything else. At the end of the day, the husband and wife want only one thing - to be left alone.2. Internet and television. This is one of the main reasons for disunity in modern society. If 30 years ago, in their free time, family members gathered at the table, played board games, shared impressions, and watched a movie on TV together, but today everyone is passionate about their gadget.3. Mismatch of interests. Families where spouses have common interests are stronger than others. It could be anything: working together, a summer cottage, fishing, skiing, hiking, etc. If a husband enthusiastically tells his wife about his new project at work, and she openly yawns, then next time the husband will not share with her experiences and joys. The husband, in turn, is not interested in his wife’s stories about shopping or cosmetics. If people do not have common goals, interests, hobbies, then after 20 years of marriage they can become complete strangers.4. Tight control. Most often this applies to children. When a child receives only strict supervision from his parents, and not friendly communication and understanding, he withdraws into himself and feels better in solitude. When a mother is too tired and busy, she is not ready to immerse herself in the child’s emotional experiences. She perceives only specific information: she got a bad grade, got into a fight with her desk neighbor. In this case, the son will no longer share his emotions about how he passed the standard in physical education and the teacher praised him for a long time, and the daughter will not tell that she likes her classmate. When children do not find understanding in the family, they begin to look for it elsewhere. And this could be anything - from a yard group of hooligans to dangerous groups on social networks. What to do? Mutual understanding in the family is created by hard daily work, in which everyone without exception must participate. Try to follow certain rules, and soon you will notice how the climate in the family changes. For example:1. Start a family tradition. It should be a joint event in which all family members participate and enjoy. This could be a trip to the forest, decorating a Christmas tree, making dumplings, playing board games.2. Share your impressions with each other. If you had a good time, share your emotions with your household. Listen to your husband who talks enthusiastically about a football match, or your daughter who attended her idol’s concert with her friend. Take an interest in each other's affairs, ask about what happened during the day.3. Celebrate holidays. Sometimes you can hear from people: “We don’t celebrate New Year, what’s wrong with it?” Holidays must be celebrated. Preparation and spending time together creates a good mood, brings together people and leaves pleasant memories.4. Live a rich life. Only a person who has his own active and interesting life can interest others. Therefore, do not forget about yourself, please and pamper yourself. If you can’t solve the problem of loneliness on your own, then contact a specialist for professional help.!