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The law says: “what you focus your attention on, there will be more in life.” Most people have the habit of complaining about life. They are not happy with their job, salary, husband (wife), children, and so on. And the power of this negative thinking increases day by day, often leading to undesirable results. The result of such thinking can be various diseases, breakdown of equipment, failure of plans, and so on. More and more problems begin to arise. What can be done in this case? The answer is simple. Step by step, begin to reprogram your life, your habits, expand your vision, your outlook on life, change the assembly point of your perception, your outlook on life. Often a psychologist can help you on this new path. If you are not yet ready to trust a specialist, then you can start walking on your own. And by changing your habits step by step, expanding your thinking, ceasing to complain about fate, you will begin to be the creator of fate itself. Creating is great! First, let’s take a piece of paper and properly complain about fate to the villain. Let's cry, let's breathe out the negative news. Let's become aware of our feelings. Maybe it will be wild rage, maybe resentment, or maybe just sadness or other feelings. Let's inhale more air, let's exhale. Let's repeat the breathing exercise several times. The next step is to take our scribbled sheet of paper and perform some kind of ritual of farewell to the past, which has already become obsolete. A sheet of paper can be burned and the ashes scattered in the wind, it can be torn into small pieces, or you can make a paper airplane and fly it into the sky, or a boat and float it on the water. Then we will say words of gratitude for everything that happened to us, for everything what happened and didn’t happen to us. You can also write down what you are grateful for in your life and fate. Remember, gratitude fills us. What can you be grateful for? For example, you woke up, the bright sun is shining. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to contemplate such beauty, bask under its rays, warm up and be filled with solar energy - the energy of vigor and joy. The next step is the step of recognizing yourself as the creator of your life. After all, we ourselves create everything that surrounds us. Expanding your view of reality will help you with this. Be careful! For example, you wanted to drink excellent coffee, feel its taste and aroma, and so you go and brew yourself a cup of aromatic drink. So you are a creator. There are many such examples. You want comfort in your home, and you begin to create, create it, clearing the house of unnecessary things, dirt, dust. And now you are a creator again. The next step. We do things that are unusual for us. The simplest ones. For example, we brush our teeth with the other hand. If you've never had breakfast, let's start having breakfast. We dance, play sports, communicate, laugh, and so on. We develop our creativity. One of the exercises that will help you with this. It is necessary to choose as many examples as possible for the word, for example, “pen,” for what it can be used. We smile with our eyes, lips, notice our desires, avoid communicating with people who evaluate and are negative. And we just enjoy life. After all, she is the only one we have. All the best to you and a sunny mood at heart.