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There are clients who hide the fact of working with a psychologist, and they do it in different ways: some simply do not report where they are going and why, while others lie when they say that goes to a friend/cosmetologist/shop. This is usually not very related to the main problem with which the client came, but this behavior in itself is interesting. Most often, clients themselves talk about two reasons: related to the environment and related to the client himself and his feelings. If the client knows for sure that the partner or relatives will not support such work, will devalue it, ridicule it, and maybe even get angry, then the client decides to keep silent or lie. Usually you don’t want to create a new reason for quarrels if the relationship is already very tense. Sometimes it happens that the client is not sure of the reaction or it seems to him, and therefore he decides to play it safe. The image was created using the Kandinsky neural network. The second reason is related to the immediate emotions of the client himself, as well as attitudes regarding working with a psychologist. A classic example: it is embarrassing to tell someone that you are visiting a psychologist, because such help is sought by those who are not right in their heads, weak, infirm, unable to understand themselves. But at the same time, the need for such help is realized, and it is accepted, but in such a vulnerable state you don’t want to “show yourself off” to your surroundings. Therefore, the client shares his vulnerability only with a specialist. In the process of work, such attitudes themselves are corrected and changed, especially if the results of such work become noticeable and the environment begins to admire and ask questions: “What happened to you?” When a client frees himself from unnecessary emotional burden and gets to know himself, he has the resource not only to calmly communicate his little secret to other people (simply as a fact or proudly advising his psychologist), but also to calmly accept the reactions of others, including surprise , devaluation, jokes. There is an internal permission to talk about one’s needs and choices, and behind it comes the need to defend these needs and choices to others, so that even in the event of disagreement or some special opinion, there is at least respect. The ability to accept all the reactions that may occur in other people also develops. At the same time, without falling into shame, fear, guilt and other unpleasant states. Do you hide your visits to a psychologist and why? © Quoting/copying of this article (or part of it) is permitted with the obligatory indication of the author and source of citation