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What is it, “women’s happiness”? Of course, each of us has our own! At the same time, there are universal components that are similar in many happy women. 1. Self-acceptance and respect for yourself, for your characteristics, talents (everyone has them!), difficulties and problems (everyone has them too!).2. Self-care - many of us expect someone to take care of them (mom, dad, husband, knight, prince on a white horse). If we ourselves know how to clearly understand our needs and express them, then our loved ones can do for us with love and joy what we ask for. This leads to the following point: 3. Attention to yourself. Sometimes we don’t notice what our true self, our intuition, tells us, we close our eyes to our deepest needs, we are guided by unconscious motives - at such moments it is very difficult to feel happy.4. Love for your body. I would like to make this point separately, although it is included in the previous 3. The peculiarities of our culture are such that for centuries the body was considered something separate, and now we still carry the remnants of this attitude. Corporality is the basic component of the “I” of any person. Maintaining tone, caring for the physical body, caring for it, loving it are very important components of women's happiness. It happens that some of us concentrate too much on our body and appearance - so much so that there is not even time left for the rest of our lives. The golden mean is good.5. Capacity for pleasure. Here it is worth dwelling on two deeply interconnected plans: - Physical capacity for pleasure. A liberated, living, feeling body that gives the opportunity to enjoy the most ordinary things - the taste of food (not necessarily gourmet), the smell of grass and the sea, fallen leaves and frost (not necessarily just perfume), the touch of the body - clothes, carpet or river sand, water in the shower. If your body knows how to enjoy simple things that were not created specifically for this (or maybe God created the whole world for our pleasure - who knows?) - then imagine what a fireworks of pleasure the sensations of the smell of His body, the taste of His kiss will be, the touch of His hands! - Psychological capacity for pleasure. Sometimes childhood experiences, psychological trauma, prohibitions (from parents or society), difficult experiences or morality prevent us from having fun, often because of this, blocks appear in the body. Getting rid of such psychological problems opens the way to pleasure.6. Respect for a Man. Is it possible to create a happy union with the belief that “all men are goats” or “women are fools”? Despite the fact that in Western culture the struggle between the sexes is something of a norm and is periodically “heated up”, we can remain true to our respect for the opposite sex. Men really need our understanding, support, and faith in their strength. They are unlike us, and in this dissimilarity one can find not reasons for conflicts and misunderstandings, but that enormous natural energy that is born from the interaction of “plus” and “minus”, that charge that is formed only in the potential difference!7. Inclusion in your feminine gender and receiving support from it. A woman cut off from her roots and in conflict with her parents and ancestors will not be able to be completely happy, no matter how loving and sensitive she is. Add to these components your own ingredients that are important to you personally - and you will get your own unique and inimitable recipe happy women's life!